View Full Version : Hi

guardian angel
11-02-09, 13:56
Hello everyone,
I'm so pleased to have found this place although I'm not sure what I have can be considered anxiety attacks, it's more pervasive anxiety. In fact, I didn't know what it was for a long time, I'd just feel dizzy and feel like I was falling when I got into bed, not feel quite 'myself' and would find it hard to focus on life's stuff. Sometimes it would go and others be much worse with headache and muscle aches included. Recently we lost my father in law to alzheimer's and my latest fear is that my poor memory and processing is down to early onset dementia. I'm 39.
I can't stop thinking that I'm going to die and leave my children with no mum. It is making life a complete misery and it's so hard to put my thoughts together that I do feel like I'm losing my grip on life. Does anyone else feel this way? I'm just so low and stressed atm but hopefully there is help out there, I just need to find a way through it :)
Sorry to go on,

guardian angel
11-02-09, 18:51
tetley, thank you for the welcome. I'm just navigating my way around the site and will have a listen to the downloads.

11-02-09, 19:13
Hi Guardian Angel

Welcome to NMP! It's lovely to see you here :flowers:


guardian angel
11-02-09, 19:45
Hi Guardian Angel

Welcome to NMP! It's lovely to see you here :flowers:

Thank you Lisa, it's nice to have found 'here'.

11-02-09, 21:18
Hi and welcome:welcome: im sure you"ll find the support you need right now,nice to meet you suzy:hugs:

tanya 1
11-02-09, 21:23
hi guardian angel,and welcome to NMP i joined this site about 3 weeks ago and have allready had lots of good advice,its just nice to come on here and share your problems with people who understand what your going through.
tanya 1 x

11-02-09, 22:03
Hi and welcome to NMP

I am sure you will like it here and feel at home. There is so much advice, support and information.

Chat is a great place to make new friends and the games are a great distraction when you need it.


guardian angel
12-02-09, 04:29
Thanks everyone :) I'm already beginning to make some sense of it all through the amazing posts on the site.
It's such a help to read other people's stories and experiences.
Quite sad too :(

12-02-09, 13:11
:welcome: hi and welcome to NMP:)

12-02-09, 20:31
Hi Hayley, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes xx :flowers:

12-02-09, 22:29
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

guardian angel
13-02-09, 08:19
Thanks everyone, much appreciated welcomes :)

18-02-09, 18:59
Hello all, sorry to say I've lost my password and the log in feature doesn't recognise my e-mail address so I've re-registered as this new ID. Not that I had anything hugely exciting posted but didn't want to start with a new ID and not say :)
Now I just have to wait all over again to post in chat!!!

18-02-09, 19:15
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, hope to see you in chat real soon , take care xx