View Full Version : muscle numbness?

11-02-09, 17:36
Hi Guys:
I really don't know how to explain this feeling but I'll do the best I could. It kind of feels like my leg muscles are numb. I have total feeling but its kind of like the inside is numb/tingly. Does that make sense? :huh: I mentioned it to my dr and he wasn't worried about it. I have no weakness all though I think it is weak. I could walk when it feels this way it just feel wierd. Just part of the cycle of anxiety? I've had an mri to rule anything out a couple of months ago and it came back ok so I don't know what it is?

Can anybody reassure me?? :weep:

12-02-09, 08:44
Obviously I'm not a doctor but I can relate to this, as I suspect can many others on this forum. The other day I got off the bus and thought I was going to collapse as I couldn't feel my legs, but when I tried to walk I was bouncing along as if I was floating and didn't weigh anything. All very disturbing but I am fairly sure completely normal for anxiety sufferers. The MRI should be enough to reassure you (although it wouldn't be for me :) )

15-02-09, 09:56
The soles of my feet have been 'numb' for last 18 months and it feels like i have sand in my shoes .
After an appointment with the neurologist (which took 10 months to get) and after several blood tests , they have now found that i have an abnormality in the blood , something to do with anti-bodies at the cell level .My appointment with the hamemotologist is in april .