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View Full Version : scared losing friends

17-07-05, 14:34
think im cracking up again, im getting feelings ive never had before, since what my family did, im getting real scared of losing people i care for, ive mad some great friends here, and apart from you all hubby and childhood friend thats all i got in my life.
But im scared to get close cause i feel that im bad and everyone will leave me or die because of me, that what ive been told, i panic if anyone has even a cold, incase they leave me, and if i dont hear from anyone i think something has happened. if i lost any of you i think i overdose again. is this part of depression never had this before, or is it warning it going to happen again and i be on my own again, it doing my head in thinking about it today, didnt sleep last nite with worry.
anyone else have this feeling, i dont like it, dont want lose anyone else, cant handle that.

17-07-05, 15:47
Hi hun,

sorry to see that your having a bad time of it.

Do you go to councelling?

I'm no expert and wouldn't pretend to know my behind from my elbow regarding whats wrong with you but as a friend I would definatly say that you need someone to talk to who does. To me it sounds like you have an indepth fear of death and I'm only going on this post and your others and what you have told me in pm messages.

I do hope that you start to feel better soon, e-mail me later if you want, still no credit in mob:(!

"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

17-07-05, 19:18

This is quite a common set of worries indeed.. its the thoughts that are spiralling round and round.

Remember that what you think has no effect on anyone elses safety.
You are not at all bad and it is normal to want to protect those you're close to.
I know several of us have had really sad runs of sudden deaths but that it not going to continue and normally people are very healthy and don't die all the time as difficult as it is for us to recognise it at the time.

Some CBT would help you see this in a new light and realize how its your current thought patterns which are leading you down this train of thought. If you like reading I can recommend a book or two

Fear of death (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=321)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

17-07-05, 19:35
Hi Susie,

I get scared and worry just like you hun. It's quite natural when we are anxious depressed and are born worriers! I worry about worrying me!LOL

CBT would help you control the irrattional thoughts and change your pattern of thinking. Have you enquired about this at all?. Councelling could help with the other issues to hun.

Take care mate and stay STRONG.

Love & a BIG HUG to you.


Sal x
18-07-05, 12:54
Hi Susie,

Firstly you are really not alone with this one. I have been like this for about 5 years now.
I find it helps to know I am not the only one in the world that suffers from this.
I really worry about losing my husband, to the point were, the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is check to see he is still breathing !!(we are both 27 years old!!!!!!) how stupid!

If he is going out on a night out with work, I just sit at home and shake with fear that he may get stabbed, injured in a bomb attack, run over, beaten up, get too drunk and be rushed to hospital...etc........the list goes on in my head!!

Its to the point were I dread him going out and I will worry about it from the moment he tells me there is a night out organised.
I have seen a counciler and a hypnothereipst but neither really worked.
I was wondering whether some one could give me some feedback on CBT as I am willing to try anything as this is controling my life (never mind my husbands).

Sal x

18-07-05, 18:04
hey you not cracking up honest

i here for you always

dont do anythin rash ok

you never lose me