View Full Version : Hello Everyone...

11-02-09, 19:34
This is my first time to this forum and I can't believe how much good advice I have picked up already! Health Anxiety is something quite new for me.....or maybe I just didn't have a word for it! It all blew up about 6 months ago with a terrifying panic attack and has been a nightmare ever since. Although my Doc has tried to re-assure me, I cannot understand why they called me back 3 times for a chest x-ray. I have an appointment tomorrow morning at the hospital and am in an awful state!
My Doc felt she has to refer me because my x-ray results didn't make sense, but may be something to do with a ruptured breast implant that has been removed and replaced in the meantime. She told me there was no need to 'fast-track' the appointment, but it's taken nearly 3 months which has been HELL for me.
My friend and hubby keep tellling me if it's serious they would have had me in like a shot, but do they actually give
a monkey's?
I am sick with worry and have all the crappy symptoms and horrible ringing in my ear too!
So sorry to rant and rave....but have kept this bottled up for so long.
Tried some rescue today but not sure how much it has helped. I have been taking the odd 1/2 Alzam out of desparation but I really don't want to become dependant. They're left overs from my husband after he had terrible depression a few years ago after we had 4 armed robberies....not here....we're from SA and only been here a year.
Phew! Sorry about the essay......

Pegs X

11-02-09, 22:09
Hi Pegs and welcome to NMP

Sorry things haven't been good for you recently. I think that your friend and her hubby are right when they said that if your problem was serious they would have you at the hospital asap.

I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, support and information.

There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends.

Take care xxx

12-02-09, 07:22
Thank you so much!
It really helps that someone understands the turmoil in my head. It's not nice to say I'm glad I'm not the only one, because I wouldn't wish this on anyone, but a problem shared is definately a problem halved!
I'm hoping to make many new friends here...

Oh, and I'm 45 and live in Dorset with my husband of 22 years and my teenage kids and my Mum.

Pegs X

12-02-09, 12:50
:welcome: hi and welcome to NMP:)

12-02-09, 16:09
Thanks again for all the welcomes! What a wonderful site!
I've been having a good read and recognise so many things related to how I feel.
I also think that every time the telly goes on, or you open a magazine, they bring to our attention so many things that can go wrong with our bodies!

I had my appointment today, and the Consultant sent me for ANOTHER xray as she cannot make head or tail of the last report either. She warned me against looking stuff up on the internet because there so much...... A little knowledge IS dangerous.
I was hoping to feel a lot more relaxed today but actually am really worse. Pegs X

12-02-09, 20:35
Hi Pegs, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes xx :flowers:

12-02-09, 22:28
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx