View Full Version : Nervous and other random symptoms

11-02-09, 20:20
My symptoms seem to be on a cycle at the moment I have been really stressed the last few days now it's eased I am almost nervous.

At work, whilst taking driving lessons my mind went blank and I was ready to mock up same at work and I had to pull together from experience and focus on the task in hand.

I am terrified after an incident where I was attracted by snow balls and I shouted back so fear people will be after me that's one of my biggest fears is living in fear.

I am nervous about making decisions now, even hesitant because I use to make rash choices in the past and leave jobs and I made the choice to go part time at my work but I have a little worry about how I will find a different job or will it be ok for money.

I guess I can take reassurance from knowing I've felt this way before and I can pull through better now but I find each returning symptom terrifying at the time of its return.

I am still in fear of going mad as the stress has made me very moody and nobody can say when I will properly de stress. So in a way that makes me as stressed and makes it last longer worrying. I'm in a muddle with some depersonalisation, worrying, stress combined so I feel in a trance and out my mind and everything feels funny, music and stuff...is this normal?

Anybody else ever felt any of this?

12-02-09, 15:02
Hi sorry you are feeling bad at the moment.A lot of us have felt like this! you seem to be suffering with anxiety brought on by stress. You need to try and rest more to get your nerves back on an even keel. Theres some good information on the main menu to the left of this page.the symptom page will explain your symptoms you are experiencing and will put your mind at ease. Hope you feel better soon luv suzy:hugs: