View Full Version : Please help me:'(

11-02-09, 20:42
Okay, so coupled with the anal pain thing, iv also been experiencing lower back (more upper bum) pain.. im terrified..they dont ususally happen at once, but is something really wrong with me??
Im constantly feeling for lumps, but i cant tell, theres so much bone there??!!
Im so scared:S

11-02-09, 20:57
by at once i mean together

11-02-09, 20:57
Instead of the back is it more the coccix?

11-02-09, 21:03
yeah it is

11-02-09, 21:04
Please stop worrying! you sound like youve got a bad case of constipation or do you suffer with I.B.S.Either way a diet containing 5 portions of fruit or veg,with plenty of water throughout the day will sort this out. :hugs: suzy

11-02-09, 21:09
I havn't been diagnosed with IBS, i think its a possibility,but this pain, like coccix, is just random, its just an ache:(

11-02-09, 21:15
Yeah I had that 3 years ago. I phoned my Chiropractor about it telling her that I thought I'd broken my coccix.
But I failed to mention the anal pain. (I was embarassed) :blush:
She told me that if I'd broken my coccix I would be in much more pain, but that it could be that my muscles around the coccix were too tight or that I'd strained them :blush: as I had been doing buttox exercises.
So I went to 5 sessions, and it went away, but frankly, I'm not even sure it was related anyway (but as I failed to mention the anal pain she wasn't to know).
Anyway, to cut a long story short, it came back a few months later, and went away again. I remember I had tummy problems as well at the time (IBS type but quite mild). Maybe related.
I haven't had it since. So I concluded it was probably nothing

11-02-09, 21:34
I went to the doc years ago with the same symptoms and she told me to take some syrup of figs,..this doesnt cause cramps like some laxatives. .It got rid of the problem. .If it was bowel c.....r i take it thats what you are anxing abt ? you would have different symptoms .My mum had that a few years ago and the symptoms are nothing like what you have. Give my suggestions a go for a few days& if your no better have a word with your doc to put your mind at rest. wishing you well suzy