View Full Version : Citalopram and heavy periods.

11-02-09, 21:06
Just wondering if anybody else taking Citalopram has noticed that their periods have gone a lot heavier.:unsure: I've been on Citalopram for nearly 3 months now and this is my first period since being on it - my last period was last October just before I started on them. This period has been really really heavy although I'm used to having heavy periods the last few years but this one is by far the worst and I was wondering if it had anything to do with taking this medication.:shrug:

22-02-09, 16:33
I've been on Citalopram since 9th February and my period started on the 10th. Have been somewhat irregular over the past few months and periods haven't been that heavy. I have had heavy periods in the past lasting around a week. This one is a nightmare though, very heavy lots of clots etc and is not slowing down :( which has got me into a panicked state. Glad I looked on this forum and have found other people have experienced heavy periods due to the Citalopram as has calmed me down a bit

22-02-09, 16:45
Hi Jan and Shazza :)

I've been wondering about this issue, too.

I've been taking citralopram since the end of January, and last week I had my first period since starting them. Usually I can feel sickly and unwell with pmt before it starts, and last week I did feel quite bad at times -- really nauseous, but I can't be certain if this was totally pmt. I've recently upped my citralopram from 10mg to 20mg, and I think I've been adapting to the change.

I think for me it will be next month if/when I will be able to better see if theres an effect or not :)

24-02-09, 11:57
Hi Budgie, agree about seeing if there's an effect.

I'm on the 14th day of my period now, not slowing down, still really heavy. Started Citalopram on the 9th 20mg. Am just waiting for it to stop 'cause is making me worry loads and feel worse because of it :(

claire m
25-02-09, 10:08
hi i am on the mirena coil and was having barely no periods but since starting citalopram i have had two small periods in the space of 4 weeks i was getting worried something could seriously be wrong with me at my next gps visit i will mention this and see if it could be the citalopram

04-12-10, 09:41
Glad I found this thread! Been on Cit for about 5 weeks, period was 9 days late and extremely heavy, not what I am used to at all. Hopefully they will settle down in time.