View Full Version : I'm a little concerned.

12-02-09, 00:24
Normally I take most health related concerns in ignorant stride -- I just keep chugging, and things get better eventually. I find it a tad unusual that I began googling symptoms, but I suppose this one has me legitmately worried.

A few days ago (Today is Wednesday, so I'm talking Sunday/Monday), I had some pretty bad flu-like symptoms - headache (not a horrible one), chills, and what I'm assuming was a fever, but I didn't actually check that. I just drew that conclusion from oscillating between way-too-hot and way-too-cold and having restless, crazy dreams. The symptoms cleared up over the course of Tuesday, but were replaced by a rather stiff neck. And by rather stiff, I mean extremely stiff. The full range of motion is still there, but it's slow, and it's very unpleasant -- specifically, the "tilting-head-forward" range is the worst (though I can make it all the way to my chest, with some wincing), side-to-side kind of hurts, and tilting it back barely hurts at all. That's sort of an unusual thing to happen, so it got me thinking about that nasty 'meningitis' word. I thought about it for a long time - enough so to freak myself out a little.

The catch is, all of my other symptoms cleared up. Aside from my neck, I feel fine - no haziness or mental impairment (in fact, I took a logical reasoning test at an engineering-related job interview today and performed very well on it). I am still a bit more exhausted than usual, but at this point, I'm chalking that up to flu-recovery. I'll still probably see a doctor if the stiffness persists, but it's too late to get in anywhere but an ER now, and that's an awful hassle for as bad as I don't feel.

Has anyone here had or known of meningitis presenting like this? From what I understand, if you have meningitis, you're pretty ill, which, aside from the neck, I am no longer (like I said, made it through a job interview today with no trouble aside from looking around :P).

12-02-09, 00:27
Hey.My wife has had Menigitis.Trust me you would feel seriously ill and be in in serious pain.

12-02-09, 07:58
think this is more Tension in kneck! i had it after a virul infection and like u i had the whole is it menigitis thing.don't worry it will clear up.i took SYDOL tablets great for tension headaches which i had and spread to the kneck.try them it worked for me :).it contains an ingrediant which relax's muscle tension.I went to the doctors worrying and he said it was tension and i told him i was takin SYDOL and he said ther the best things to take.if your worried go to your GP/Doctor for sum ressurance.Hope this helps

12-02-09, 18:38
My daughter had Meningitis when she was 2 (she's 6 now) and I had it when I was 5. Believe me, you wouldn't be wondering if you had Meningitis, you'd have a raging temperature and feel VERY ill.

For her, she was fine over breakfast, and then felt sick around 11am, by 9pm she was in A&E on a life support machine, it moves that quickly. She did get better after 3 weeks in intensive care, and came home (minus a few fingers and toes).

I get stiff necks all the time, stressing about other aches and pains around my body, I'm sure it's just a tension headache :-)