View Full Version : panic attacks everyday

12-02-09, 15:09
hi everyone. does anyone else have panic and anxiety attacks everyday. i am having them everyday one after another. i feel i getting worse by the day like im dying of an illness and doctors are missing it my symptoms are dizzy off balance pain/tightness heavy in chest shortness of breath pain in shoulder blades legs arms well every where im thinking i have a clot or goin to have heart attack or stroke in minute. shakes feeling sick bad stomach. feeling ill oh god i thnk im dying someone plz help me

12-02-09, 15:28
Hiya, i suffer from panic disorder and in the past i have gone through periods of having about 5 or 6 panic attacks a day or several rolling together for hours.....now i generally only get a couple a week!

I get most of the symptoms. interestingly i get the pain in my shoulder blade and upset stomach too, i think the shoulder pain is to do with excessive breathing....so getting hold of some breathing exercises or learning to control your breathing during an attack may be helpful x

12-02-09, 15:43
Get Aniexty daily, only have attacks after I've drank.

I've cut down on drinking

12-02-09, 15:53

I had to reply to this because about a year ago this was me, i was having one panic attack after another all day every day,,,i too was convinced i was dying and the doctors were missing it, i got people to rush me into hospital on four different occasions because of it the only place i felt safe was at a hospital! i was constantly monotoring my body every feeling i was having which made it worse,,i started using techniques though and now i am loads better i can go weeks without having a panic attack. This will be you soon youl overcome this,,i never thought i would and i have :)

12-02-09, 16:26
This is the same way i feel right now. Have had many attacks now and feel high anxiety all the time.
The symtoms you have are the same with me.

I am not very good to handle them yet, my mind gets it worse. I will try some relax tapes,swimming and sauna. Maybe that can help.

/ Daniel

13-02-09, 12:40
thanx everyone for ur relpys. i just wish it would all just stop and i can get on with life at the minute i dont want to do anythng just sit at home or sleep its not fair on my kids or partner

Forrest Gump
13-02-09, 14:02
I've had similar issues for about two months, chest pains, back pains, stabbing pains, shortness of breath and severe panic attacks that lasted for hours on end. Got them after I was diagnosed a minor issue with my heart and at the same time was having a lot of issues in my life. I've been to the emergency room more than five times, convinced that I was having a heart attack, and seen a doctor a couple of times on top of that. They all said that I'm fine. Even the pains that I'm having they tell me are related to my anxiety. I didn't want to take any medication (except for what I get for the heart), but finally caved in about a week ago and started eating a low dose of Xanax on a regular basis. Since then almost all my pains have gone away and so have like 90% of the panic attacks. I still feel some issues in my chest, shortness of breath and heart pounding, but the difference is night and day. I'm not saying that anxiety meds are a solution, but for me they are doing wonders. I'm also aware that they are addictive and have to be worn of slowly for a long time. Another downside is that they (or perhaps everything that's happened) have made me apathetic, it's difficult to be motivated by anything. But I'd rather have that than the terror I had before.

In any case I would strongly recommend you to see a doctor and have a full checkup to rule out any other possible issues.

14-02-09, 19:09

I had to reply to this because about a year ago this was me, i was having one panic attack after another all day every day,,,i too was convinced i was dying and the doctors were missing it, i got people to rush me into hospital on four different occasions because of it the only place i felt safe was at a hospital! i was constantly monotoring my body every feeling i was having which made it worse,,i started using techniques though and now i am loads better i can go weeks without having a panic attack. This will be you soon youl overcome this,,i never thought i would and i have :)

I too was exactly the same as this. The first major hurdle for you to clear is that you need to accept that its an anxiety disorder thats causing this. And recognise that no one has ever died from anxiety or panic attacks. It may be benificial to you too read this page http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=symptoms This goes through all of the symptoms and as too why they occur. I used to wake up in the morning fearing i was going to have a panic attack. This in turn got me so worked up that i did have one. And at one point i was having several a day. Alot of its down to confidence that you will be ok. And you will get there. But you first need to accept that what you have, although is like a living hell at times will not harm you although i know it feels like it at times.

Have you seen your GP about this? They may be able to offer you CBT which i found a real god send. I have not had a full blown attack for a couple of months now (touch wood) I do however everynow and then still suffer from some of the symptoms (heart palps ect) But i can now ignore them before the exculate as i have confidence in knowing i will be ok.

Try and read that symptoms page, that helped me alot when i was at the same point as you are now.

Hope your feeling better soon


Adam Thompson
14-02-09, 20:52
exactly the same. occasionally you get a good day or a god few hours at least but pretty much 24/7