View Full Version : Today the dentist tomorrow the whole world!!

12-02-09, 15:23
Had a check up from the neck up :blush: today well a dental appointment to be more precise i was nervous in fact i thought about cancelling but something in me said no you have to go so i did im soo proud of myself:D i had the check up i had injection a big bloody injection and a small filling i could not have done that 2 months ago i couldnt have even sat in the waiting room - things are on the up hoorrayyy !!!!!

12-02-09, 15:36
Well done! I need to go to the dentists myself but I keep putting it off. Partly because I can't afford it, but mostly because of my anxiety!

I also need to go to the GP, because I haven't officially been diagnosed with anxiety, even tho I'm almost certain I have it. But if I go to the GP I'm terrified of the tests they'll do and then they'll tell me it's not anxiety at all but something serious!

So congrats for building up the courage to go to the dentists, that is one step in the right direction! :yesyes:

12-02-09, 17:18
Ah great! Well done you!!
In fact, I feel the same as you today I'm on top of the world!!
I go to the dentist regurlarly but I always apprehend it, in fact I can feel the adrenalin rise everytime and my heart races like mad!
In fact I really wanted my husband to come with me but something stopped me, just like you I thought: No, I need to do this on my own, besides it's not fair to drag the kids there. And I did it, and I feel GREAT!!! Really proud of myself!!:yahoo:

12-02-09, 18:03
Hi bluegirl

That is a great achievement, well done you should be proud of yourself.

A big well done to you also Toffeeapple.


12-02-09, 18:29
well done u !!!!

12-02-09, 19:35
well done, i hope that will be me soon

mandie x

12-02-09, 20:19
:lisa: thankx guys it means a lot i really couldnt have even sat in the waiting room i am proud and i hope my small victory can help you all in some form - i bought myself a new top for being a brave lil soldier lol ohh yeah and i ate a big cake tho my mouth is still a bit tender three cheers for getting well xxxxx