View Full Version : a symptom of anxiety?

17-12-03, 15:09
i know that phobias cause anxiety, however do you think people who suffer anxiety are more likely to suffer phobias. i have a number of phobias - caterpillars (don't even like writing it down!), bridges, stairs with gaps in, heights .... they make my stomache sink etc. and get the rapid heart beat, nausea atec.

i also have social anxiety -are we more predisposed to all types of nervous disorders? If i get to grips with my SA will i become more comfortable in my phobic areas?

perhaps I'm just a general worrier and have a myriad of stupid anxieties!

17-12-03, 15:32
Hi Kd,

fear is fear whatever diagnosis it gets wrapped up in , so SA is a fear/nervousness of every day things whilst phobias are fears of specific named things.

So yes, get a handle on one fear and it makes the others easier as you then know you can over come each and every one of them that you want to address.


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17-12-03, 16:05

I don't know the answer to your question I'm afraid but what I do know is that I don't think I have alot of phobias but can be anxious about anything. the problem I have is that i avoid things that i am anxious of they turn into big problems ( or phobias i'm not sure) and i just know i can't go near these things and sometimes can't remember what made me anxious about them in the 1st place

I suppose what I'm trying to say (badly i know) is that things don't become phobais and stay phobias unless we make them, the only advice i have (and i know i should practise what i preach) is to stop avoiding things u are scared off (i know easier said than done!!)

Did that make any sense at all???


17-12-03, 21:12
I think that a phobia can just be a handle to focus our nameless fears on. Therefore you may cure a phobia of heights to discover a new one of, say, pink furry slippers. It may be then, that you should tackle the phobias that are limiting your life (bridges, stairs with gaps) and learn to live with the more unobtrusive ones (stay out of rooting around in the garden!)
