View Full Version : black blood?? (ladies only)

12-02-09, 20:32
Hello everyone!! I hope you're all well:) .

Have anyone of you got dark brown/black blood on your period?
I just started my period today and I got really surprised (actually I freaked out:wacko: ) to see that instead to be red or dark red, my blood was freaking black! Someone told me that it was probably blood that it's been stuck there for a while and that it came out.
Did it happen to any of you to 'bleed in black'? :blush:

Luv you all!!! :bighug1:

12-02-09, 20:50
could it be blood clots maybe?? 1 of my friends had the same thing and it turned out to be nothing. if u want to put ur mind at rest call nhs direct and see what they say

all the best

13-02-09, 09:36
hi i get this all the time !! either at the start or the end of my period . bin to doc loads but he say it just old blood ! . go to the docs for reasurrance but it is quite normal i think .

13-02-09, 10:39
Yep, i get this as well, usually at the start and end of a period xx

13-02-09, 10:41
Thank'you for your answers!!! :hugs:
I'm having a smear test in 10 days, I hope they can tell me why I had all the black blood and off course if everything else is fine down there. It's my first smear test:sofa: ...