View Full Version : Seroxat- Paroxetine!! Can anyone help?

12-02-09, 20:47
Hi Everyone,

I introduced myself on here a few days ago and after yet another unsuccessful trip 2 the doctors and reading a bit about medication on this site I have a few concerns about the medication I have been prescribed.

I have only been suffering from panic attacks properly for a couple of months and after my first trip to the doctors (when I didn't know what it was!!) I was prescribed Seroxat- which I was strongly advised NOT to take by my sister who works for the NHS. However, after the next panic attack I decided to give it a go and have been taking it now for around 6 weeks.

The doctor who prescribed this to me asked me very few questions and seemed to prescribe this very quickly and without much thought and without offering any other solutions or medication.

After reading up on this (dangerous on the internet I know) I have now seen that there are many side effects to this drug and it is one of the most difficult to stop taking as well as increasing thoughts of suicide.
I am just concerned as to why my doctor prescribed me this in the first place when I'd only had a couple of mild panic attacks (they have got worse and more frequent since I began taking this)???

It just seems to me like an odd choice- I have since seen 3 different doctors and complained that the attacks have become worse- only to be assured that it can sometimes take 3 months to work (by which time it will be very difficult to wean myself off them).

Sorry to ramble on a bit- but was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on this or if they are taking the same thing??




12-02-09, 21:13
Hi Kat
when i was 20 i used to get mild panic attacks and begged docs for pills - they gave me seroxat which was new at the time - it worked amazingly for me and i got off it ok after 6 yrs but i had to come off it soo slowly. having said that i have never been the same person since and am still on medication. I have never been the same person as I was before taking medication. - wether its to do with being given the tablets (my own fault through begging) and I didnt need them, or whether i would be like this anyway who knows.
I suffer from major health anxiety and panic attacks. I am on cipralex

Every doc favours different medication, they all have side effects and they are all difficult to come off. seroxat is harder because it has a very short half life which means it comes out of your system really quickly - but that means you just have to come off it so so so slowly.

Love Nicky

12-02-09, 22:22
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

12-02-09, 22:36
I took seroxat for 11 years. I would say if and when you stop them do it very slowly. All SSRIs take time to work and make you feel worse before you feel better, and all have side effects but they are nothing compared to acute anxiety and panic!?! Its the lesser of 2 evils really x good luck x:)

12-02-09, 22:39
Hi and welcome to NMP

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