View Full Version : anticipatory anxiety

12-02-09, 20:58
I just wondered if any one had any top tips for dealing with the anxiety running up to a difficuly situation. I am trying to tackle my agoraphobia which is particularly bad as a passneger in anyform of transport.

I am going to the next city soon for a dance class (that I desperately want to do and am excited about that) but my s-i-l has offered to drive and she knows about my problem and is very understanding, so I should have no reason to be worried - I am more worried that I will panic before the event as the anxiety takes over. I feel that I could make headway dealing with being a passenger if I didn't get so anxious before hand.

I hope this makes sense. I am trying to work on positive things to think that will help me not get dragged in to worrying, but panic sometimes seems to creep up on me.

I hope this makes sense.

Thankyou for reading.

12-02-09, 21:13

Firsty a really well done!!!

Have you tried imaging going in the car as a passanger and imaging feeling calm and relaxed. This can be quite effective in turning it into a possitive thought instead of a negitive one. Another tip is to distract yourself before hand so you dont think about the anxiety.

Feeling anxious before hand is normal when people are facing up to things they find hard. Sometimes just allowing yourself to feel it, reminding yourself it is only anxiety and it cannot hurt you and being brave will make you feel better. And the mjore you do it, the less anxious you will feel.

Good luck hun. You can do it.
Best wishes

14-02-09, 09:18
Dear Blackie,

Thankyou - I hadn't thought about thinking about feeling calm in the car. Everytime I think about it I get a wave of dread. Thinking positively is a really good idea. I have lots of time to practice and will start today.


14-02-09, 20:47

Anticipatory anxiety is horrible. We can worry for days about something we have to do.

Thing is, you want to do this - and you are excited about it which is brilliant, you are looking forward to it - but with trepidation which is not brilliant.

Try what Blackie said, just get yourself relaxed and keeping going over the situation in your mind as you want it to be - as you want it to happen. See yourself looking relaxed etc. This is not new this is on a lot of my hypnotherapy cd's.

Good luck and you must go for it cos it's something that you really want to do.

15-02-09, 21:16
im not alone hurrah someone else who dreads being on a bus train boat or car - the thought is the worst part in my experience you think of all the things that can go wrong how awful you feel etc i have walked literally miles because i cant get on a bus its pathetic i know and this year im meant too fly WTF i dunno how im going to get on a plane but like you i want too and like you i am going to if the worst happens let it let panci do its worse as least we had the balls too face it and get out be brave i know i will be xx