View Full Version : Operation

12-02-09, 21:03
Hi all

I have been thinking about having a corrective operation on my arm after an injury left it badly scared. I have been trying to overcome agoraphobia and am just about able to get out with other people but the idea of having an operation is terrifing. I might not have to stay the night which would be good but the actual procedure is the problem. I really want to have the operation as the improvment will boost my self converdence but am not sure if i can cope with it. Any advice would be welcome. Please no horror stories though.:blush:


13-02-09, 16:21
I have had several operations in the past and like yourself got my self very anxious about it. I am also agoraphobic. Please belive me that the the anxiety of the build up is far worse than the operation it's self. I am sure if you talk to your nursing staff how worried you feel, they will do their best to put your mind at ease.

I would say go for the operation, afterwards you will wonder why you got so anxious and it sounds like you will really benefit from it.

Good luck xxx