View Full Version : Hi there!!

12-02-09, 21:25
So this is my story... My names tim, I'm 25 and work as an insurance broker. My problem strted about 2 years ago. I used tondrink all the time, party hard am work hard. One stupid night I'd tried cocaine....which led to me having the feeling of having a heart attack....a hospital trip later and I was fine, a panic attack they said. I did not understand?!? That's for wussys right?!? So began the worst 2 years of my life. Immediately I was constantly checking my pulse due to feeling "funny".... Then started the palpitations....the feeling of my blood in my chest suddenly turning to concrete... Crushing my chest, blurry vision and shaking violently...fearing the worst. Trips to two cardiologists followed. All clear they said. Then followed a good month...veryfew palps!!! Thenni broke up with my gf, it all got 100 times worse. Palps whenever I ate, after drinking was the worst, unbelieveable palps, so I stopped drinking. This led on to quitting smoking to stop them, then to no more coffe, then to no fizzy drinks, then to no chocolate, then to no artificial sugars. Yet still.....every night, after eating I get these palps....which are sometimes so sever they lead to full on panic attacks.... Also really bad after excercise or "intercourse"!!!!! It's taken nearly my whole life away. I am seeing a pyschotherapist on Monday in harley street. I've had 24, 48 hour holter tapes, numerous ecgs, scan of heart.....all clear yet still I feel not right. My pulse goes mental when I drink alcohol, when I'm having palps it's like my heart goes into fast mode. A steady 100 bps I reckon with horrible palps until I get so tired I sleep. I'm just fed up and the amount of times I have been on here reassuring myself is unreal. I just wanted to share my story....I feel for everyone on here. Coz we r the only people who understand what it's like. How terrible it can b to have anninvisible illness. Anyway!!! I'm having palps as I write...so I'm going to cough, burp, andndrink cold water and try to distract myself!!! If anyone replies i'd love to charni tiger similar people!!! Tim x

12-02-09, 22:22
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

12-02-09, 22:40
Hi and welcome to NMP

Pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much advice, information and support.

Chat is a great place to make friends.
