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13-02-09, 05:54
Obviously I'm new to this forum but not forum's in general because that's how I live my life.

In Sept' 08 I was put on Fluoxetine (Prozac) similarly to the first time 2000. I went nuts and my symptoms got worse. In less than two weeks of taking the tablets.

I've had that awful dread of leaving the house for so long, it's almost become a security blanket.

13-02-09, 08:16
Hi Mau.
I have taken Fluoxetine on and off over the last 6 years. I found that the first two weeks have some horrid side effects but after that I felt wonderful,
(I even thought it should be put in the water supply!) I didnt want to come off it because I felt so good and was anxious that my problems would return, I was using it almost like a security blanket. However my problems didnt return immediately, in fact they have only just started again after 18 months of being off the tablets, but I am trying hard not to go on them again unless it becomes necessary. Perhaps they just dont agree with you, I took one Seroxat tablet years ago and went completely loopy, never felt so ill.
Ask your Dr for an alternative.

13-02-09, 12:16
Hi Mau, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers:

13-02-09, 18:15
Hi and welcome to NMP

I am pleased that you have found us. I am sure that you will like it here as there is so much help, information. Chat is a great place to meet new friends.

Take care xxx


14-02-09, 09:37
Thanks for the welcome, it's been an education and a comfort reading the forum.

Vanilla Sky
14-02-09, 10:21
Hi Mau and welcome to NMP, you will find help and support here, you wont feel so alone, hope to see you in chat love paige x

14-02-09, 20:32
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx