View Full Version : why

18-07-05, 10:22
hi hope everyone is ok

why do i feel like this ,im soooo worried all the time ,i always feel ill ,like quivery inside and weak ,also my head somtimes feels so heayy and horrible like its blocked ,i feel sick all the time ,i constantly worry that im gonna drop down dead any second , i also worry that im not explaining my syptoms right and people are thining thatim describing somthing diffrent so i worry that its not anxity that its somthing else ,just wanted to ask a few questions

1 does anybody else feel like this

2 is it anxiety

3 can anxiety make u feel diffrent every day

18-07-05, 11:00
I have felt like this before. Yes, anxiety can make you feel like this. Worrying about health issues is very normal amongst anxiety symptoms. I feel great some days and then absolutely awful others. There is nothing seriously wrong with you - it is just anxiety making you feel this way..:D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

18-07-05, 11:09
Hi Hanna,
Yes what you are experiencing is definatley the anxiety hun.
I have just finished a CBT course for my health anxiety, and it has really made a big difference to me, it showed me that just because i think that there is something wrong with me, doesn't actually mean there is, and i can't make myself have a brain tumour or a heart attack etc. You just have to put everything into proportion, and re train your way of thinking. If you ever need a 'chat' please pm me anytime hun and i will always try to help.
Take Care

its "just a thought"

18-07-05, 14:06
3 ticks of yes to your questions Hanna.

Sue K with 5
20-07-05, 23:06
Hi ya

The feeling are all part of your anxious mind and health anxieties are not fun. I am alwasy thinking the same as you. I only have to get a pian in the leg and it's critical.

I am just starting CBT and I am hoping this will be a major turning point in my life

I have been told no one dies from a panic attack and I am now slowly learning to believe this.

I am sure your GP can make a referral for u to see a CBT or councellor

Good luck and if every you need to talk pop into the chat or pm one of us

we are always here to support one another

Sue with 5


21-07-05, 00:11
Hi Hanna

I know exactly how you feel and that WHY question flooded my head until reality didnt count and at times although i am a lot better it still does on bad days.

It is hard but is how to learn to understand that WHY cant hurt you and they are thoughts only and not actions.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.