View Full Version : Enlarged and fatty liver

Laura xx
13-02-09, 22:37
Hi I haven't on here for a few years because I have managed to keep my health anxiety in some kind of check. But recently I have been browsing the boards because I am suffering yet again:lac:

Then to top it all I went for the results of a gallbladder scan today because I had been feeling a bit sick and had upper abdominal pain - and I have been told I have an enlarged and fatty liver!!

I am not obese and I do not really drink much.

I have been referred to a specialist for further checks. But as you can imagine my health anxiety has gone into OVERDRIVE!!!!

I have convinced myself it is the worst case scenario and I am so bloody scared!!!! In between now and waiting for further tests I will end up being a complete wreck and worrying myself absolutely sick!!!!

Should I be worried???, does anyone know???

I really hate health anxiety and just wish I was one of those people that just takes things in their stride and has the outlook of what will be will be. But I am not :weep:

And now tonight I have started to get sharp tummy pains and pains in my back!! A bit of irritable bowel or something more sinister....................??

13-02-09, 22:58
there nothing worry about what so ever
i had a scan 3 weeks ago and all the scan will be is to see the fat on the liver

more people that are very very silight overweight are more likely to have a fatty liver then them who are obese

13-02-09, 23:03
Hi Laura

Did the scan show whether you did have any gallstones? When I went for my scan for stones it showed some changes in my liver, apparently this is quite common in people with gallstones.

House fan
14-02-09, 08:59
Hi Laura

The liver is a magnificent organ which is more than capable of repairing itself if given the right circumstances. You have obviously had digestive issues in the past, or taken meds over a period of time which has put extra strain on your liver, but you can address this with diet and supplements.

The liver craves raw vegetables, especially carrot juice and apple juice. Both these juices will help to heal the liver faster than any other food. Milk Thistle and Taurine are also required in supplement form to speed up the healing process and to protect the liver.

If you were to change your dietery habits for 2 months like I have suggested, your liver would thank you for it, and heal itself.

If you need any reassurance, please let me know.


Laura xx
14-02-09, 10:53
Thank you all for your kind replies, especially House. I have already had the ultrasound - I have no gallstones at all but as I said it did show the liver problem.

I think I have had this problem for a couple of years as it was about 2 years ago that I first went to the doctor with swelling and discomfort in the area of the liver, but was told it was nothing to worry about - although no checks was done.

I am concerned at the moment because I do get pain in this area and in the mornings I feel really ill and flushed when I wake up and this feeling doesn't go for a couple of hours.

Still I am sure I will know more when I see the consultant. Until then though it's the worry!!!!!!!! and that will probably make me more unwell than anything :-(