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13-02-09, 23:04
hiya all
i had this feeling in my back like something was poking me in the back
sometimes going to the front of my chest for 9 days
so went to the doctors today and he said its indigestion with acid
and he give me some lansoprazole
now i starting panicing that there somethings wrong
i never know indigestion like this to last 9 days
any help would be must welcomed

thank you for all replys

13-02-09, 23:49
Hi playeasy, I have acid reflux and sometimes it feels like the top of my back is being stabbed. The pain of gas and reflux can also be felt in the neck and face, very uncomfortable. Once you start of a proton pump inhibitor like lansoprazole, you get used to it. I have been on it for 3 years and want o wean off of it.

I would suggest seeing a gastroenterologist and getting an endoscopy, seeing if you really need such a strong drug. You may not have a structural defect or irritation that warrants this. In the meantime, no tomatoes, chocolate, coffee (maybe just a little), onions, peppermint, peppers. These things relax the LES muscle which allows the acid to come right up and irritate you. Try to raise your headboard with books or bricks, 6'. Do NOT use a bunch of pillows as this crunches your stomach and makes it worse.

Even while on this drug, you can get reflux if you overdo the wrond foods. It takes a couple of weeks to work so help it along by not eating irritating foods. Again, I want to reassure you that the back pain is part of it and yes, it is very painful and scary if you don't know what it is! Do you know what foods brought this on?

14-02-09, 00:00

It's indigestion. Don't worry, it is nothing more sinister and yes it can last for days. Exactly as you describe.

14-02-09, 00:19
hiya lauren6, utility thank you for your reply's

lauren6 i don't know what food's bring it on as right now cause am on a low fat diet right now it start meanly after i eat or at the evening
if i get some one to pat my back like you would with a baby it go's for a bit
i think maybe it is cause i drink a lot of coke about 6-8 cans a day

thank you

14-02-09, 00:28

6 to 8 cans of Coke a day! Cut back on that for a start. Drink some milk, that is first class for helping to settle down an indegestive system.

14-02-09, 00:51
cheers i try that lol
i got my self really work up early with it didnt help less i now know it can lest for a few works or even longer
i just gotta trust the doctor
and people around me when i start panicing i start thinking am doctor and am doomed lol

thank you mate

16-02-09, 01:26
i keep thinking its muscle poisoning or cancer
i just cant take my mind off it :(

16-02-09, 15:33

I get his too and its not nice. Please try to tell yourself that this is perfectly normal and that lots of other people get it. And more importantly it is harmless and nothing more than indegestion.

I usually find this forum is a great help to me. When I have a new symptom and come on here to find other people are experiencing the same thing it helps alot because I am able then to accept it and not being something more sinister. If you can accept this then the doubt may linger for a little bit yet but will eventually go. And try also to distract yourself with reading or something so you are not left just thinking about it.

All the best


17-02-09, 10:44
I also get this on a regular basis, it is always a very sharp pain in my shoulder blade or chest and used to make me think I was having a heart attack! I now know that it is just indigestion and will pass, it has often lasted for days but I'm still here!:)

17-02-09, 10:50
Have also heard that skipped heart beats rising to the throat can also be acid reflux. This is what I currently have where my heart thuds and rises up to the throat. GP has said (and have also researched on the Internet) that this can be GERD (or just another symptom of anxiety). Either way, I am drinking my green tea, eating almonds (alkaline for the stomach) and trying to relax and ignore it. Hopefully it goes away before I start overanalyzing it.