View Full Version : knockback on citalopram..

14-02-09, 01:42
hi there..
ive been on 20mg citalopram and theyve really helped me overcome anxiety and panic attacks..i recently took a panic attack out of the blue and wondered is this normal 8 weeks into treatment..??
anyone any expereicnes..??
i think maybe the odd knockback could be normal..xx

14-02-09, 10:57
Yea i think its normal, i think when it happens regular then worry lol
its sounds like your doing pretty well on it :)
good luck and i wouldnt worry!

14-02-09, 11:14
i would think this is just a blip you had, i would just stick with the 20mg and not let it worry you! lucy x

14-02-09, 11:16
hi bubblefizz, how are you doing with the meds are you still on the mend not heard anything for a while x lucy