View Full Version : NLP?

14-02-09, 07:57
Has anyone ever tried NLP (tapping etc) and , if so, has it helped you? I have panic attacks linked to my fear of flying

14-02-09, 21:33
More than a simple movement of eyes, EMDR is a specialised technique used in psychotherapy that can be applied to the treatment of any psychopathological disorder whereas symptomatology is the result of past distressing experiences. This new approach to trauma lies in the integration of the latest innovations and theories of clinical and experimental psychology as well as neurosciences. More specifically, EMDR aims at "unlocking" perceptions, emotions and cognitive processes linked to past negative experiences and reprocessing them with more adaptive information.

Based on a method built on precise psychological principles, a rigorous eight steps protocol and secure procedures, EMDR enables clients to process maladaptive information while eliminating the emotional distress associated to specific past memories.

This groundbreaking approach to psychological suffering significantly helps to alleviate difficult emotions associated to painful memories as well as hurtful experiences, thus enabling significant changes in different areas of one's life. This approach aims to promote the adaptive healing potential within.


If it works is a matter of contraversory.

17-02-09, 07:37
anyone actually tried this and found that it helped? Thanks

17-02-09, 12:00
Tapping is either EFT or EMDR. True NLP doesn't involve tapping, but some practitionars may use various techniques to aid results. NLP is about using visualisations such as watching and rewinding movies of traumatic events, and creating anchors which create positive feelings when you touch a particular body part.

I've never seen an NLP therapist but I've use the fast phobia technique a few times. At one point in my life I was getting alot of anxiety driving to work. I did the technique whilst thinking about a short stretch of the drive. The following day I left for work feeling anxious as normal, but when I reached trhe stretch of road I had done the technique for I went very calm.

Other times I've used it the results have been a bit mixed but by agoraphobia is a complex thing so maybe I shouldn't expect a simple bit of NLP to cure it.

This page: http://www.deep-trance.com/techniques/fast-phobia-cure.html is a bit jargon filled but explains the fast phobia technique. Note that you need to be relaxed when you do the steps.

17-02-09, 16:04
My hubby trained as an NLP therapist as well as his management job. He has used it on me to create visualisation of a bad event to turn it into a good event - it helped a bit. Tapping is EFT or TFT which is thinking of your fear and tapping on set points to reduce the anxiety. Lots of info ona website called Emofree.com - also Kalms help as does rescue remedy. Wenjoy x

17-02-09, 22:07
thanks everyone for your thoughts on this-I got NLP mixed up with EFT! I meant EFT-the tapping technique.I have ordered a book now so that I can read about it.Willing to try anything to get through the awful panic disoder.Have tried Rescue remedy,CBT and hypnotherapy and that hasn't helped so far

18-02-09, 20:50
As Wenjoy says, visit www.emofree.com for lots of stuff on EFT. A bit late now but you can even download a free book from that site. It's one of the few techniques where the inventors are genuinely trying to help you instead of just trying to suck your wallet dry.