View Full Version : Bye for now

14-02-09, 10:58
Hi all

Just wanted to say bye for a while. I'm posting here on the HA forum because this is where I have spent most of my time and effort on NMP. I may be back at some point but I need a break. I've been here nearly every day for about 7 months now.

My HA is abating. I can finally say it. My recent posts have been more philosophical than anxious. The realisation that this is the case is an enormous relief and joy to me. HA or just A will probably always be lurking on the sidelines for me, waiting for a chance to pounce. But I recognise it now and I have some coping strategies. For now, it is is subdued.

The fact that this abatement has come while I'm busy and occupied in my life, and since I have had over a year to recover from the anxiety and depression induced by my relationship breakup early 2008 is no coincidence, I think. HA and emotional stress/anxiety/depression are closely linked, as we all know. This is something that I want to learn more about. In the meantime, I think that a break from NMP might be a good idea to get a different perspective on things. Acceptance, education and understanding has helped me rather than "fight', struggle and denial.

I'm posting this thank you all, to thank Nicola and those who have contributed to setting up this site. When I found it (Googling for symptoms, like the rest of you!), I cried with relief to find that I wasn't alone, that there were other people out there who understood what I was going through. I've learned so much on here.

Apart from anything else this site has restored my faith in human nature. Such kind and compassionate, funny and interesting people I have met on here. Offering comfort and advice to others has calmed me and given me a sense of purpose when it was lacking.

Thank you to those that who have helped me and/or that I've made a connection with: YanksForever, reddevil, HayleyGoodwin08, FairyLoveHeart, AgentOrange, BoosMum, Pooh, Libby, TashBarnes (hope the baby is doing well!), Anti-Love-Superstar, franz, orangeblossom, Captain America, janie. Apols if I've forgotten anyone. Love, hugs and the best of health to you all.

Thanks to the admins, especially eeyorelover. You do a great job.

Finally, a big special thank you to House Fan, BNCFan, Trixie, the lovely Malv and his wife and finally Dazza, gone (from the site) but not forgotten. I know I'm being terribly sentimental and dramatic :blush:. This reads like an Oscar acceptance speech. But I couldn't go without saying something. You've helped me so much.

Thank you NMP. You are the internet at its best.

House fan
14-02-09, 11:19
You will be missed big time Leebee, and this is in no way an exaggeration. I always enjoyed reading your posts, you always made a lot of sense and helped hundreds of members, including myself. So thank you Leebee, if you ever need to chat about anything, please don't hesitate to contact me.

I repeat... you will be missed big time!

Good luck Sweetie.


14-02-09, 14:59
Good bye LeeBee,

I wish you all the best, and am so happy you have reached a point of acceptance with your health anxiety. You have been a tremendous support to so many sufferers, always responding reassuringly with great empathy. You will be missed.

14-02-09, 20:15
Bye LeeBee,

It sounds as if you have moved forward in leaps and bounds since joiningthis site and I think you are very brave to move on and "go it alone". Hope you will pop back and let us know how things are going.

Good luck on your healing journey


14-02-09, 20:36
Bye Leebee you will be missed, thank you for all your help and support. It's been a bad year for me, and I believe I am finally starting to see the light and move on!!
Big Hugs

15-02-09, 10:26
Bye! You have answered alot of my questions and given me a lot of comfort.

Thank you for all your help!

Sam xxxx

pink daisy
15-02-09, 10:49
hope you come back soon x

15-02-09, 11:26

Well done on your recovery so far and it seems that you have made some good friends on here and I am sure you will all keep in touch.:)

Good luck to you and you are welcome back at any time to update us all.

Take care :hugs: