View Full Version : Persistent Headache

Milo Girl
14-02-09, 16:02
Hi I haven't posted for a while as I was out of action after suffering a detached retina and could'nt use the computer for a while.

For nearly a week now I have been suffering from a headache. I have had headaches in the past and usually a couple of paracetamol or ibuprofen shift it pretty quickly. This time it seems different. It started on Monday and I thought it would pass. When it didn't I took some paracetamol and they didn't work so took ibuprofen and they didn't have any effect either.

The pain seems to move around a bit. Sometimes it feels like a tight band across the back of my head, and then it can also be in the temples feeling like a pressure. My neck also feels achy and a bit stiff (not so much though - I can touch my chin on my chest).

I thought I must be starting with a headcold as I had a few days earlier started with a dry soreish throat and a few sniffles and sneezes but a week later nothing seems to have materialised. I am still sneezing but not as much and the sniffles haven't developed further.

I am wondering if this is a tension headache. It seems to be there when I wake up although it doesn't wake me in the night.

I have felt very low recently probably as a result of having a spontaneous detached retina just before Christmas. Had to have emergency surgery and then had to get over the op pretty quickly as DH had to work away and so I had to look after kids and go back to work.

I am trying very hard not to google these symptoms but I am getting pretty worked up about the fact that I cannot shift this headache and whether constantly thinking about it is actually making it worse.

Has anyone else experienced this?

14-02-09, 23:53
hi there,your headache sounds a bit like tension headaches,i suffer often with dull heavy heads and thats what dr said to me,that it was tension vaused by anxiety.They can give you meds" for it especially when paracetamols dont work.I tried everything and then you end up with more of dull heads due to all the painkillers,so see your dr to get advice.Take care and hope you feel better soon xx

Milo Girl
15-02-09, 09:44
thank you fairyfloss. the headache seems a little better although still there and moving around a bit more today. If still there tomorrow I will make appt to visit GP.