View Full Version : Am I incurable?

14-02-09, 23:28
Bits in bold are the main points.

I have been suffering for years. They seem to be getting more worse as each day goes by.

Ive pretty much cut off all my friends and ignore their calls. This is partly becuase 90% of them smoke marijuana so I don't want to associate with them so Im in a position where I have to stay in. This is not good for my attacks and I really don't wish to hide away in my house.

Ive found myself doing lots of pointless journeys on my own lately. Like going to the bank once a week to put a fiver and stuff like that just to get me out of the house and in social situations.

The dilema I am faced with though is when I dont have a panic attack I think to myslef "no panic attack now for half an hour". Its almost as if suddenly I realise I havent had an attack for a while and by me thinking this I start worrying about when the next one will come on. By not trying to think about something I think about it unintentionaly and bring on an attack.

I have tried everything so far (excluding medication)
Distraction, Breathing, Trying to allow an attack. Nothing works.

Has anyone got any advice for me constantly thinking about panic attacks thus bringing them on?


15-02-09, 05:06
Have you thought of joining a gym? If you get the bug like i did.It takes up so much of your time ,you dont have time to brood about anxiety.Besides,when you fit,you have less health issues.Whatever you do.Basically,you have to put all your energy into it so you simply have no time for anxiety.

15-02-09, 08:07
I am curious about this too. I feel like i am not getting better.

15-02-09, 08:25
Me too - meds not working and unsympathetic doctor - feel very alone as no one can help - suicidal thoughts all the time now.

pink daisy
15-02-09, 10:46
I have same problem hun im in a bad way at the moment :-)
I think the more we do the better we feel.. even if its just cleaning the house

15-02-09, 16:18
Yes, I agree that keeping busy is a great way of channeling your thoughts away from the PA's. I know that it is so difficult & scary and consuming and exhausting! We all feel so vulnerable & alone in our experience of anxiety & panic. I take one day at a time, pray lots ( God listens & He cares).

I try to do a 15 minute relaxation exercise daily too.


15-02-09, 18:06
mickh55: Thanks for the advice. I am yet to join a gym :blush:

A new one has opened literally 5minutes away from my home so I may just venture over there at some point. I get no exercise ever. Just sit on the PC all day or infront of the TV.

This is bad for my anxiety, I really need to do something to burn off some adrenaline. Its just the motication I lack. My diet is good. Only drink water & eat fruit and veg. Its just the exercise I need now.

Hopefully it can help.
Hope everyone manages to find something to get them through.

17-02-09, 07:06
Did you mean you excluded medication, bc you tried but didn't help?

Generally, I hearld that if you know the cause of PA, it is easier to treat it. And sooner is better.

You said you have been suffering for many years. Even so, don't lose HOPE that it is curable. If you lose HOPE, you lose all. For me, as a christian, I know my true hope comes from Jesus. You are in the spiritual battle, whether you already realized it or not.

each one is tempted when, by his own EVIL DESIRE, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after DESIRE has conceived, it gives birth to SIN; and sin, when it is full-growth, gives birth to DEATH. [James 1:14-15]

17-02-09, 20:59
one more thing, sMINT,

Smoking marijuana itself makes people prone to PA. I read those kind of experiences here and there. So, it was good decision of you to cut off those friends.

To fight with FEAR and PA, good life style avoiding 'guilty' feeling is a good way, because 'guilty' feeling is one of the worst negative feelings and it hurts your inner PEACE. So, sinful relationship, even under the name of "LOVE"(usually disguided by sinful desire), should be avoided. You may not do it by yourself....but if you ask and pray for it, you will get help and will be lead to a right way eventually.

Your posting just reminded me of "Do not go along with them, do not set foot on their paths" (Prov 1:15) I hope I didn't offend you. I only wanted to help you.

18-02-09, 01:23
one more thing, sMINT,

Smoking marijuana itself makes people prone to PA. I read those kind of experiences here and there.

I just found one example linked to the Marijuana use at another PA help forum:
See this: http://www.uncommonforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=13601
It seems there are several forums out there related to PAs.

18-02-09, 01:55
If you can find an anxiety clinic that specializes in Cognitive Behavioral therapy then give it a shop! It has been proven to be just as effective as medication when one puts in the effort. That is not to say that you won't still have a set-back from time to time (as I am now) but it has been the only thing that has really opened up new doors for me and given me the proper tools to cope with the anxiety and panic. Good luck!

18-02-09, 02:38
"no panic attack now for half an hour".
this is called negative suggestion, you have a key word in there that conjures up a thought pattern, the mind doesn't do negatives very well eg. don't think of a red car (bet you just did!) Never think of a banana!
even though i said not to, you did because of the key words eg red car and banana, you have to think about it then somehow eer, forget it.
Sooo if you must mention it to yourself, state in the positive eg "half an hour and still calm"/"still chilled after and hour. Get it? your mind gets you what you concentrate on. If you do state a negative, quickly flip to poz,
"no panic attack now for half an hour, so i've been calm now for half an hour". make this a habit.
Also negate with a 'but' eg "I'm a bit nervous BUT if I do my deep breathing, i'll calm down"
By the way DEEEEP breathing with a sigh on the out breathe is GREAT for calming down, it's natures natural calmer downer!
Think calm, be calm!

18-02-09, 10:02
And just a small thought. I have recently order some PA books (Dr Weekes among others) from amazon.co.uk. I have not received them yet but they all got really good reviews from people who have bought them. Why not try your library too?