View Full Version : Hello

15-02-09, 12:58
Hi I am a 26 y/o male who had my first major panic attack about a week and a half ago. I have been under a LOT of stress with relationships and school, to top it off I was sick the morning I woke up in a panic attack. Now I have a great trouble sleeping at night. My heart starts racing when I try to go to sleep. I think something must be wrong with my heart or that I have a brain tumor. I have not had a second attack at this point, but my heart rate is faster than normal as well as my blood pressure is higher. I have had small attacks, but tell myself its anxiety and can get them under control. However, now I can not stop checking my pulse or thinking that its some sort of brain tumor that is causing this. I went to the ER, my ECG was normal, Chest Xray normal. My family dr. prescribed ativan which has calmed me down. But i was on xanax for awhile, like a week in order to sleep, but I would just wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat when the medicine would wear off with a racing heart again. I took ativan for the first time last night and it dropped my heart rate to 60 bpm as opposed to my non medicated hr of 80, I dont like this feeling that my heart is going that slow, nor do I like it when it feels fast. I dont ever really feel it skip a beat. I have started to get rid of all of the stressors in my life and feel that I am getting a bit better. I do find myself being a lot less patient while trying to teach people stuff, since I have tutored for years. The Ativan initially made me go into a derealization period, and gave me anxiety because I was trying a new medication. It subsided and I was able to rest well, only to wake up to someone above me at 4 am making loud noises. I have been up since then researching brain tumors... I am just worried that it is a CNS tumor presenting itself as panic attacks. I am going to get another appointment with my dr and ask for blood tests to rule out a medical reason for these episodes, it would really put my mind at ease, or an MRI or EEG. Can I just ask for these procedures? Any support is welcome. I wish everyone the best. I am praying for all of you!

15-02-09, 17:19
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

16-02-09, 00:15
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx

16-02-09, 15:42
Hi hereandnowiamu, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :D