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15-02-09, 15:58
Panic attack occurs of the blue,

Causing the fear of having another one which is otherwise known as Anxiety?

15-02-09, 16:14
Only in MY personal opinion...:blush:
A panic attack does come "out of the blue" all the more terrifying by its suddeness.:ohmy:

The fear of having another 'attack' is always with me....this - i believe is anxiety which can be - just be there rumbling OR can give little spurts of panic.

These are nothing like as severe as full blown panic attack :weep: - the aftermath of which can roll on for days.:weep:
Hope this helps:hugs: BUT it is only my personal opinion:hugs:

15-02-09, 17:56
Yeah what June said :D....

From my own exp, mine used to happen anytime, anyplace, anywhere, for no reason. I could be out shopping, or at home in bed reading a book!.. and bam! one would slap me upside the head:scared15:..

It was only later when I had an attack on a bus and in a queue in a post office..etc. that I started to get the full on fear and anxiety about being in certain enviroments.. but... I learned to change my mindset and think of it like this: .. before, I had no control, no handle on it at all because they were so random. However now I know that specific enviroments could make me ill.. I can control how I deal with them.. and use them as goals to be acheived. Well, thats how I try to think.. on a good day :D

15-02-09, 18:12
I just have anxiety, its often just there, n isn't because i fear having a panic attack, its GAD,

15-02-09, 18:32
i personally believe there is always a trigger whether or not you are consciously aware of it doesnt matter your brain perceives some kinda of threat i think, kicks of the adrenalin, flight mode and thats why it can feel out of the blue

Pooh x

15-02-09, 19:34
the fear of having a panic attack makes it more likely that I will have one. Certain situations missed meals and tiredness can all contribute to this. If I am actually aware that I am facing a feared situation this can bring on an attack. Also remembering that I had an attack at a particular place and time and I am reliving it can bring on an attack. I had horrendous panic attacks whilst coming off anti depressants last year. They would come out of the blue in previously situations that I had no fear in. I still get panic attacks but I use distractrion and deep breathing to get over them.

16-02-09, 15:54

I used to think my panic attacks came out of the blue but since I started keeping a diary and anlysing them I can see things that start to make me anxious that I don't deal with and they gather momentum into a panic attack. Sometimes I don't need to analyse as they are obvious- usually built on apprehension.

A book I am reading states that a panic attack is a fear in the present and anxiety is a fear of the future. That is basically how they are defined. In essence though they are the same but just time is different.

All the best
