View Full Version : Hi all, im back again :(

15-02-09, 17:44
HI all, well its been a long time since i posted on here as i have had my baby on the 3rd of Feb. 2 weeks late and a very long birth but its ok as baby Euan is absolutely lovely. Unfortunately my Health anxiety seems to have back with vengance ::weep: I keep getting these shooting pains in my head at the front, its not a headache but it seems to hurt a lot and then go its above my eyes and its annoying i am also slightly dizzy at times, i am convinced it is a brain tumour. i have to have a smear test done in 6 weeks and i am petrified it will say i have cervical cancer ( i have been following the jade goody story and its so so sad but made me so much worse)

I have found a few lumps in my breasts which is obviously due to the fact i am breast feeding but you can imagine what i am thinking it is. I read that woman who give birth are more likely to get DVT and i am like a woman possesed constantly moving and checking my legs. Im so so fed up, i have a wonderful baby who is just so so perfect and i keep smiling and thinking of the life we will have together then i burst in to tears as i am convinced i am dying or will be dead by this time next year, i hate it :weep: sorry to rant everyone i just didnt know who to talk to

15-02-09, 18:26
Awwwwwww Congratulations hun :bighug1:

You know, it's funny because i felt my best and least anxious when i was pregnant but my anxiety came straigh back after i had given birth (10 years ago).

Having a new baby is lovely but it is also quite stressfull (i think). You have the sleepless night, on the go constantly with one thing or another, and i think new mums tend to forget about themselves and concentrate more on the new baby and the rest of the family.

The breast lumps will definately be because you are breast feeding hun so don't worry about it. And the pains in your head are more than likely tiredness with a little stress thrown in.

You have to find time for you hun and make sure you get lots of rest, i had a long birth too and it take a while for your body to fully recover from that.

Please try not to worry and look after yourself.

Love and hugs

15-02-09, 18:38
Congratulations on your new baby.

I have just had an mri scan and neck scan because of shooting pains in my head that i thought was a tumour and pressured my gp into sending me to a neurologist who assured me it was anxiety related and I couldn't accept it so he sent me for an mri and it was totally clear. I had convinced myself it was serious and wasted so much time stressing about it.
I think we are all the same if we here a story or have a symptom no matter how small or insignificant we can turn it into a major illness.
Try to relax and enjoy your new baby, if you can't get the health anx under control speak to your gp.
Now is a time when you should be enjoying your baby so get all the help you can to prove to yourself you are not ill so that you can enjoy it all.
I missed out on a lot with my kids due to health anxiety and regret it so much and am still here 20 years later.
I hope you feel better soon and good luck with the baby.


15-02-09, 19:15
My MRI was clear too, and I had all those head symptoms, shooting pains, pressure etc.... I am sure it isn't anything bad. xxxxxx

16-02-09, 12:31

I get these sorts of pains all the time, I realy would not worry. Brain tumours hardly ever manifest as pain at first, you would have sensory symptoms.

I imagine you are tired and stressed after having your baby (who is lovely by the way!!)

Your body has been through such a lot and it has to recover.
You are bound to feel down too, your emotions must be all over the place

You will be fine x
