View Full Version : Ladies only....weird..

15-02-09, 20:14
Idk if this is normal...:blush:

There's been this white, almost solid...not hard but like...softish...stuff coming out down there...not all the time..like combined with the regular clear stuff that comes from down there...this thing is like white and stands out...i have no itching or odor( it has a smell but the smell is not foul) or pain and im wondering if this white, clumpy softish solid thing is normal..:blush::blush:

idk if this has to do with where i am in my cycle..i had some come out right before my period..and now it's due again in like 10-12 days...


16-02-09, 12:48
Sounds like Thrush to me, best get it checked:bighug1:

16-02-09, 15:22
I always thought that that kind of discharge copious and similar to cottage cheese was typical of thrush. Try over the counter Canesten.. have a word with the pharmacist first to be sure.

Cherry Milkshake
16-02-09, 15:57
Thrush :)

But get it checked just in case


16-02-09, 21:23
i've never had that before, is it dangerous? im not sexually active btw

16-02-09, 21:30
It sounds pretty normal to me. If I can remember that far back (lol), I used to get it in the middle of the month. I don't think it could be thrush as you don't have itching (but I'm not a doctor:blush: ).

Do to gp get it checked out to put your mind at rest.

Good luck, take care.


17-02-09, 23:09
it sounds normal to me too... however always best to get checked out by a Doc to be sure.

Most women get a discharge, it is the Vaginas natural cleaning fluid. It does change consistency over the month and can get quite thick during ovulation. Every woman is different, some get lots of the stuff, others only get a small blob a couple of times a month!.. but you know your body better than anyone, and if it seems out of the norm, then best to get it checked :).

17-02-09, 23:22
sounds like middle of monthly stuff to me also, as we get older and hormones change, bodily fluids alter to, if ya feel worried thou hun get ya surgery nurse to check it out, but am sure you be fine

Hugs Emms xxxxx

18-02-09, 10:11
it seems to have gotten less thick and more clearer...so I guess I'm in the clear.

07-03-09, 16:27
ok, now there's itching. im worried

07-03-09, 16:54
Sounds like thrush and it's nothing to worry about hun.
It's not sex related and can be caused by several reasons, If you have been run down, Over soaping can cause it, tight underwear.

You can get a cream from the pharmacy

Don't panic hun because it's very common indeed!



07-03-09, 22:19
Hi, I don't think it's thrush. It's just that your normal discharge changes according to where you are in your cycle. After your period it's sort of white and dry, then it gets watery white and there is more of it, then at ovulation it's clear and the texture is like egg-white, stretchy. After this, errr... I can't remember what comes after this, but at certain times there's kind of "chunks" of stuff.

Maybe this was TMI :D But I know, because when you are trying for a baby, you're waiting for the stretchy stuff.

07-03-09, 22:59
It sounds like thrush, however, seeing that it has been going on for a few weeks now I think it would be advisable to get it checked out.

Please don't worry as I am sure it isn't anything serious


08-03-09, 00:13
Sounds like a classic case of thrush to me ...especially if its become itchy.

As the others have said ...a trip to the docs will soon have it diagnosed and creams prescribed to sort the problem out.

All the best ...let us know how you got on.

08-03-09, 09:46
Thrush does itch, get to the docs, its harmless & they can give you something to clear it up. x

08-03-09, 13:37
thanks guys. talked to doctor and explained everything, said it's thrush for sure....

I DO over soap..i think thats what has caused this. i wash down there at least 2-3 times a day with soap and water and it's always scented soap too...i think this is definitly wat caused it.

just got a cream perscribed .

08-03-09, 21:09
Pleased to hear that you have been to see your Doctor.

I am sure the cream will clear it up very quickly.

Sounds like the soap has caused this, try using a unscented mild soap and not as often. Wearing cotton underwear helps too.
