View Full Version : Hello

16-02-09, 05:18
Hi there,

I keep trying to act as if i am fine even though i have so many symptoms of anxiety and get panick attacks; feel slightly better after joining here!

The worse feeling is the feeling of not being here (as if i am living a dream- does anyone else get that???)! It is so annoying as i get no pleasure from things anymore really as i dont think they are real!

I am constantly worrying about my health, future etc too. I dont know what started this all off. I think it stemmed from choking so bad that i couldnt breath......bring on the panick attacks everything else has just come after that! I think losing a family member perhaps made it worse too (you kinda lose confidence in things)!

I am really hoping for a bit of help & advice (like everyone is really).

Thanks guys :) x

16-02-09, 16:02
Hi Sweetholls, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

I also get the feeling of 'not being here' & 'as if I'm living in a dream'. It can be so annoying. I have read a lot about it which has helped. You will find a lot of information about it on here under 'Depersonalisation/Derealisation'. I keep reminding myself that it is just the bodies way of protecting itself from excess anxiety & will do me no harm.

I am so sorry to hear that you have lost a family member.

Best wishes xx :bighug1:

16-02-09, 17:54
Hi and :welcome:to NMP
I am pleased that you have found us as there is so much help, support and information. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends.

take care xxx


Vanilla Sky
16-02-09, 18:01
Hi sweetholls, and welcome to nmp, you will get support and understandong here from your fellow sufferers, see you in chat sometime! love paige x

16-02-09, 18:13
hello sweetholls

i know exactly how you feel, like this morning at work i had that feeling and it lasted all morning then suddenly it was gone by dinner time!!! im so pleased i joined this site cause i can relate with ppl like you, take care

16-02-09, 20:50
Hi Sweetholls, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

I also get the feeling of 'not being here' & 'as if I'm living in a dream'. It can be so annoying. I have read a lot about it which has helped. You will find a lot of information about it on here under 'Depersonalisation/Derealisation'. I keep reminding myself that it is just the bodies way of protecting itself from excess anxiety & will do me no harm.

I am so sorry to hear that you have lost a family member.

Best wishes xx :bighug1:

Thank you for your post Patty. Its really good to speak to someone that knows how i feel, brings me comfort. :) x x x

19-02-09, 08:56
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

19-02-09, 11:55

Welcome to the site I think you will find lots of good advice and support on here.

Take care


19-02-09, 18:22
Hi and :welcome: to the site, i'm sure you will find it a great help, take care xx

20-02-09, 01:35
Hi Sweetholls,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you feel and you will get support.

Take care,
