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View Full Version : TV Adverts

16-02-09, 12:38

As anyone seen the awfull Stroke advert on tv !

Its horrible. I believe that if you was with someone when they were having
some sort of stroke you would know instinctively that some thing was very wrong indeed.

My mum was blinded by a stroke and suffered for three years before she died from complications from it, she was alone when it happened and this commercial brought it all back.

I'm depressed and my HA is sky high today, the world is full of sadness surely we watch TV for a bit of escapism dont we?

Sorry for rant, but feeling very upset today
:mad: :weep:


16-02-09, 14:35
Sorry to hear about the loss of your mum and this advert has caused you so much distress.

I know this advert can hit a raw nerve for a lot of people, but some people aren't aware of the signs of a stroke. I agree that it is a distressing advert, but if it helps to save lives it is worth it.

I hope that you are feeling a little

take care xxxx