View Full Version : Should I go anyway?

16-02-09, 13:12
Hi All,
I have been on a waiting list to see a counsellor for a while now and I had a letter this morning saying I could book an appointment. The thing is, and this is really strange, but since my husband has decided he wants to start a family I feel really relaxed and calm about everything. It is making me wonder whether all my anxiety issues centered around my husband originally not wanting a family and me being desperate for a baby. If that is the case should I still make the appointment? We have been trying for a few weeks now and I am really really chilled. Need to call today if I am going to make an appointment. Help!:unsure:

16-02-09, 15:12
In a word, yes, I think you should book the appointment. Anxiety isn't something that just suddenly happens, it can take years to slowly creep up on you, and the same applies for feeling better. We all go through phases of "well-being" where we think we're "cured", but I also know that the slightest thing can cause a major set-back, and then you'd have missed the opportunity to see the therapist.
It is important that you talk about your problems, and explain how it's made you feel at the thought of starting a family. Ask yourself this.... what if nothing happens for months on end, no pregnancy? Anxiety about that will then be added on to your original anxiety, and it could snowball.
Please make the appointment and let the professional decide whether you need counselling or not.
Good luck in your future.

16-02-09, 15:17
Thank you, it is just nice to have a couple of weeks of relaxation. You are right though, I am very impatient and if it doesn't happen straight away things could get worse. I will make the appointment!