View Full Version : how do you cope with HA?

16-02-09, 13:27
Hello, I´m here for the first time, since I found this forum last night when panicking my head off about something I thought was dvt - of course, I am 24, normal weight, yes, I do have an office job, but no bc pills, no smoking, no family history and a medical condition that actually prevents blood from clotting that easily (nothing really serious). But still, I got a leg ache and I really couldn´t sleep about it and was stressing out. My Mom is a nurse, so I asked her and she told me not to worry, but this helped only partially. I am much calmer now - but I always am in the morning and then, when the night falls, I start freasking out again and nothng helps. I had health anxiety attacks as a kid and then in my early teens, but I got treatment and they went away. And now - I thought I was so strong, I have a full time job (working from 4 pm till 1am), I´m in college, so I go to school each morning/early afternoon, so I´m up and running around 14 hours straight. And I was doing quite alright, no problems, no fatigue, nothing, I was running like a dynamo. I mean, I´d love to slow down, but I have a big house and a jobless (but studying) bf to support. And I was doing great - until...now. I decided to change my life and since I love exploring new things I´ll be going abroad for a semester, soon. But I just have those terrible attacks of anxiety, symptoms of about all the deadly diseases you can think of, I sometimes stare into the wall at night, awake, thinking I must be terminal, sweating, my heart just beating like crazy...When I´m at work or at school, simply around ppl, it´s not that bad, but once I get home...It´s really making my life hell. Normally, when I was still "single", I would just get up and start doing things or I´d turn the lights on and read a nice book or watch a movie, you know, something to keep my mind off it. But since I live with my bf now, it´s worse and worse each day, each time I try to get out of bed, he wakes up and gets all grumpy - but staying in bed with lights off and only my mind running is pure torture. Any ideas anyone how to get over this ?
Like last night - I developed a thigh ache - quite annoying and it just popped up on me: OK, it´s dvt, I had the whole film of symptoms and horror stories run through my mind several times, the more I though of it, the more probable I thought this would be, I started sweating, felt dizzy, etc... Then I finally managed to fall asleep and when I woke up in the morning, things looked a bit differently - I realized that I was shoveling snow yesterday and that was quite a job and since I have a back problem (from birth), the pain is most probably related to my back - it gets worse, when I sit for a longer period of time, walking helps it a lot. So now I´m quite calm, but when the night comes, I am almost sure I´ll freak out again.
How do you guys cope with this? What do you do when it hits in?