View Full Version : Anyone had a blip on citalopram - help?????

16-02-09, 13:34
Hi all, 2nd time on citalopram and this time I have been taking 20mg for exactly 6 weeks and after a few days I started feeling alot better and in 2 weeks I was more or less back to normal:yesyes: . However for the past 3 days I have been feeling a bit more anxious and on edge. :weep: I am hoping this is just a blip. I am wondering should I increase my dosage to 30mg or wait and see if it passes. I was on these tablets for 8 months last year and had 2 blips but they were alcohol related and now I dont touch alcohol at all. Has anyone any experience of having a blip while on these and how did you cope with it? Did you up your dose or did it just pass and you felt better, any info would be great. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

16-02-09, 13:41
Hi Asha ,yes its something that happens sometimes,unless your getting blips all the time i wouldnt worry as it only makes the anx worse.I...tll get better ,if it gets worse have a word with your doc. luv sue

17-02-09, 10:40
I was wondering this myself, i mean how high of a dose can you go up to?

17-02-09, 10:50
Yes me too Bubblefizz surely you can't just keep upping dose , how are you feeling today? LUCY X

Debbie Guy
17-02-09, 11:02
Hi just started on this too - feel worse than ever - like i am going out of control - had 2 severe panic attacks - think i might stop taking it - did anybody else have side effects - sweating/then cold/feel sick/feel worse than before i took the medicine???

17-02-09, 14:47
Suzy-Sue thanks for your message yes I know if I think about it too much it makes it worse its just so disheartening when you are doing so well and then to have a few crap days. I will hang on in there a week and if Im still not ''myself' then back to the docs. I actually settled on 30mg last time I was on it. Debbie Guy I had the side effects and I know that they are awful but after a week or two they do dissappear. Bubblefiz I think you can go up to 80mg in some cases but this is the highest I have heard of. And Lucy locket I am feeling okay today, just need to do stuff to take my mind off the anxiety.

17-02-09, 15:40
I am having more blips than up days still. Today very anxious and got bad head and that pressure in my ears crap.... been on citalopram 7 and half weeks. 3 weeks at 4omg- I read somewhere that 60mg is max dose but there is no medical evidence to suggest this level is any more effective than 40mg :shrug: may we all find the strength?!? Xxx:yahoo:

17-02-09, 19:51
Had a blip today. After 28 days fairly steady progress this afternoon I got anxiety, adrenaline and random thoughts out of the blue. I have been told this can happen but it has really flattened me today and am still out of sorts - I hope that it is a blip and I can move on ok. Thoughts?

17-02-09, 19:58
Ive been on citalopram for about a yr now and i still get blips from time to time im on the highest doseage of 60mg aday

19-02-09, 11:29
Hey all my blip has more or less gone, im happy now. I think we get a little darkness in our heads and it scares us but we just have to ride the storm. Anyway I feel much better today x

19-02-09, 12:12
hi asha, glad you are over your blip and happy again, just wish i could feel a bit better after 5.5 weeks on my increased dose 0f 40mg i just feel spacey all the time, with intrusive annoying thoughts. lucy

27-02-09, 11:00
Sorry lucy I didnt see your message, how are you feeling now xxx

27-02-09, 12:28
hi Asha, about a week ago i went to dr. told him i felt spaced out all the time with intrusive thought and we decided to drop my dose , i am now on 30mg , still spacey but the thoughts have faded but still not right...Don't know if i am spacey because of the anxiety or if the meds make me spacey!!!!!! Did you actually feel the anxiety and fogginess lift or was it just gradual.. take care lucy x