View Full Version : Hey

18-07-05, 17:27
Afternoon all,
Found you while I was surfing trying to get information on whats going on with me.

Afew years back I was suffering from panick attacks but managed to get them under control. For some reason over the past 3 weeks they have really started to get out of control again and I cant seem to get my head together.

I am now on the sick from work and dont go very far, the verythought of going shopping or walking the dog makes me feel sick, clammy and like I am going to pass out.

Im going to the Drs on wed AGAIN about this but dont seem to be gerrin any help at all I dont wanna live life like this anymore and its starting to anoy my bf as I dont wanna go anywhere do anything

can sumone please help me with this, is there medication that can be taken to at least get me back on my feet to fight this im starting to feel really lost!

Thanks in advance


18-07-05, 17:40
Hi Lesley,

Welcome to the site

Read as much on here and the home pages as possible to really understand and absorb what is happening inside you.

You have managed to get it under control once and will be able to do so again

You need to keep going out and about or you will slowly feel the walls closing in and before long will have developed agoraphobia and really become restricted.

You can print stuff out from here to show your boyfriend . It is extremely difficult for non sufferers to understand and mostly they get frustrated as they don't know what to do to help.

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

18-07-05, 17:56
Welcome aboard Lesley

I hope we can be of some help to you on here. Have you managed to read much on the main website as there is loads of info on there that may help you.

Go to www.nomorepanic.co.uk

I am sure we can help you to get back out there but see what the doctor says on Wednesday and let us know ok?


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

18-07-05, 18:09
hi and welcome

feel free to pm me anytime

leanne (leo05)[8D]

18-07-05, 19:17
Hi Lesley

Welcome to the forum.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

18-07-05, 21:39
Hi, Glad you found us, you wont be sory, the site is really helpful and you will get loads of support from people that really understand what you are going through.

Let your partner read some of the information on here if you fel able to share this with him, it may help him to understand that there are many of us the sin the same situation as you... just fighting to keep our lives under control.

Stick with it, you will get on top of the panic again, try and understand it and it does get easier.

PM me if you want to chat.


18-07-05, 21:46
Welcome Lesley

18-07-05, 21:47
Hi Lesley

A big warm welcome to you and good luck on wednesday




19-07-05, 11:13
hey and thanks for all your kind replys

Today I woke up and felt that a huge cloud had been lifted since I made my post yesterday.

My sister is going to take me shopping this afternoon just up to a local small shop but this is a small step to sum but if i can manage it it will be huge to me.

Just knowing you guys understand and are here if i need you is a great feeling. I really dont wanna be house bound at my age and I dont know how long work will be understanding for!! I need to fight this and from today im going to :)

Thanks to you guys i know i can talk about this if i need to which is a huge weight off my mind so thanks

I will be back later to let you know how my shopping trip went but so far so good

Thanks again guys!


19-07-05, 11:26
Hi Lesley,

Thats a great step to take - Glad your sister is there to support and help you.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

19-07-05, 11:46
I need to get a few places without attacks under my belt then I use them to reffer to back to when im giving myself a good talking to like

"see when ya were in such an such you were fine, stop being silly nothing is going to happen here"

Thats a good tip if people are looking for one


19-07-05, 11:59
There is certainly a time and place for JFDI - Just bleep Do it,
but initially its often more benficial to start off more gently- what would you say to your best friend if she were facing tthis .. gentleness and comforting words with rewards can do wonders.

JFDI I used more for when I knew I had done xyz recently, but was now having a blip.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

19-07-05, 13:26
Hi Lesley

Just wast to say "Welcome to the site"



Do it trembling if you must, but do it.