View Full Version : heart rate

16-02-09, 15:42
Hi everyone,

I had a really bad attack yesterday which has left me in a really heightened state of
anxiety! I have spent the last couple of days constantly checking my pulse and it is
really wearing me out. Any increase in my heart rate, which I rationally know is
normal, frightens me and makes me think there is something wrong with my heart.
Just standing up makes my heart race and I'm really scared it won't stop. Does
anyone have any coping strategies?


17-02-09, 03:03
I do that too sometimes. My psycologist said that it is a symptom of a panic attack, so not to worry of having a heart attack. He also taught me an exercise of deep breathing to lower heart rate. Take a really deep breath, and let it all out until the lungs are empty, take another breath (doesn't need to be a deep breath, just breath in naturally). Do this at least 6 times. Then just sit comfortably on a chair and keep breathing naturally. Close your eyes and start to go into 'the moment'. What this means is clear your mind, feel yourself sitting the chair, feeling how your clothes touch your body, listen to the noise of the world and just feel your surroundings, and just be in the moment.

It works for me and calms me down so maybe it might work for you to.

17-02-09, 10:35
Thanks for that advice, I do find breathing techniques slow my heart down but will also try the other tips, thanks again.:)