View Full Version : overwhelming tiredness

16-02-09, 15:51
This tired feeling has been going on for about a week now. I waken up alright, but an hour or two later i feel like this tiredness feeling (like jet lag) comes over me, and lasts all day. I thought i might be pregnant, but im not. Ofcourse what did i do? looked up fatigue in GOOGLE. Feeling that sinking sick feeling now, cos it indicates things like cancer. Ive never had this feeling with anxiety or ibs before, which makes me worry. Im going to doctor this week , but i hate going to the doctor in case something is revealed. I cant imagine how jade goody is feeling.

16-02-09, 20:14

when you look up fatigue in wikipedia, this is what it comes up with:

Fatigue is typically the result of working, mental stress, over stimulation and under stimulation, jet lag or active recreation, depression, and also boredom, disease and lack of sleep. It may also have chemical causes, such as poisoning or mineral or vitamin deficiencies.

So it mentions even poisoning before cancer - you really do have to google a lot if you want to find cancer behind tiredness, and mental stress is right there up front. This is why you feel tired - you are stressed and anxious.
I would be more worried about depression if an anxious person started feeling tired all the time, so please look after yourself and try not to worry. :hugs: