View Full Version : still worried

18-07-05, 19:18

im still worried about the fullness in my ears -it just doesnt seem to go away
my right ear feels as if there is something stuck inside it and if i rub the side of my face were my ear is itmakes a crackling noise as if there is some fluid there!
i have also got pressure at the back of my head which goes away when i pull my hair back.
i have been back to the doctor again and she checked my ears and said they looked fine she has put me on some anti depressants.
the last few nights i have had a fast pulse rate i know this could be a side effect of the drugs but i cant stop worrying


18-07-05, 19:25
hi Ruthie,

It's very common to become 'obsessed' with a certain health issue. Our minds seem to choose one thing and insist on worrying about it. This is just the anxiety speaking so please try not to worry about it - it won't you!!

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

18-07-05, 20:31
hi ruth and welcome. yea its like sarah says its so common for us to be aware and scared of different parts of our body then it seems to go without us even notising, take care and try to ignore it if relaxing more doctor cant see anything

19-07-05, 00:27
hi ruthie,
i have this problem, my ears havnt popped in two years, i have been to an ent clinic and he says its the muscles behind our jaw and ears. i know how annoying it is, ive got really bad tinnitus too. i just grin and bear it and think to myself there are children worse off than me.

its not as easy as it sounds to ignore it, its the dreaded anxiety im afraid.

Take care :D

19-07-05, 02:14
Hi there ruthie. I have a similar problem, but I hear a clicking/popping sound in my ear when I swollow. Also if I yawn or hickup, my ears sort of swell up like they are full - similar to the kind of thing you get when you've got water in your ears after swimming or a shower.

I've had this for a week+ now. Doctor looked in my ear and said that she couldn't see anything wrong (well, appart from the fact she couldn't see my ear drum because of wax!). She told me it will go with time, and perhaps its related to my clicking/lethargic jaw, because of the close proximity.

19-07-05, 11:00
I had the same thing, was told the wax is causing it, and to take drops to clear the wax.

19-07-05, 15:41
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I had the same thing, was told the wax is causing it, and to take drops to clear the wax.<div align="right">Originally posted by LJ - 19 July 2005 : 11:00:57</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
The doctor told me there's nothing they give for this kind of thing - it just goes away on its own in a few weeks. Is it likely that I need some drops given that she couldn't actually see my eardrum due to wax? Is it a prescription?

19-07-05, 17:41
I saw my doctor a while ago about my ears, she said they were waxy but if they didn't cause me any problems then leave it. Well it didn't go away at all, then my ears felt full and like they wanted to pop (not an axniety symptom for me). So I went back and she said they were so waxy she couldn't see my ear drum and suggested I use ear drops. She said this will soften the wax and help it to clear quicker. If it really doesn't clear still I will need the wax syringed out (I'm hoping not!). Anyway she said use drops from the chemist or extra virgin olive oil, so you don't need a prescription.

Sue K with 5
20-07-05, 22:59
hi ya

I agree with Sarah, I have have suffered with similar problems on and off for years all related to health anxiety issues and sometimes something really silly or simple can become an obsessive health concern.

Sometimes congestion can also be a sign of hayfever, so it might be worth trying to speak to your GP about this who might have a simple answer to these sensations you are having

Good luck

Sue with 5


01-08-05, 11:06
Talking of ears, I'm off to the the practice nurse in about 20 minutes to see if my ears are being syringed today! I've been putting drops in and I think it's clearing the wax, but if not I'm having them syringed at 11.30am. I'm getting a bit nervous now, especially as I've read ear syringing can perforate ear drums or cause infections. Never mind all be over soon and maybe I will get away with more drops or maybe it will have cleared enough. I hope so!

01-08-05, 11:54
Well I just got back and had it done. Nice clean clear ears now. As always it's never as bad as you imagine! I was proud of myself though as I only got nervous just before I left, usually it's for days or even weeks before that I worry. My heart was going fast but I soon relaxed enough to have it done. I told the nurse I was feeling anxious and she was lovely.