View Full Version : Please help, any advice please

16-02-09, 18:07
Hi there,

I posted on here about 18 months ago. I had a flat mole on my leg that I went to see my GP about as it was a couple of shades of brown. He wasn't worried about it.

Anyway, being the obsessive that I am, I noticed a hair growing out of it, I plucked it out, and part o the pigment came away. The next day I wiped over it with some TCP, and the whole thing came away. It healed up to normal skin.

Well, I was looking on the internet at abnormal moles, as I have loads of moles, and it said a sign of melanoma can be parts of the mole falling or peeling off, also hairs can grow out of melanoma.

I am petrified that I picked off a bad mole and now it has spread round my body, I don't even have the original mole to show a dermatolgistas it has all healed up.

I am going out of my mind, I cannot sleep properly or think about anything else.

Has anyone got any similar experience.



16-02-09, 20:04

has it healed completely and there is normal skin there now? In that case there is no way it was melanoma.
Also, I used to have a mole with a hair coming out of it, and my dermatologist said that it was not a kind of mole that turns into melanoma, so I don't think the hair thing is a melanoma sign, as hairs can grow from all kinds of moles. (I had that one removed by the way although I didn't need to).
