View Full Version : attacks are back!!!

18-07-05, 19:23
I've just had a big panic attack for (again!) no aparant reason. I was begining to forget exactly how frightning they are untill I was sitting watching tv about an hour ago and started to feel funny. My mouth started to fill with syliva so I thought that I was going to be sick but then I started to get pains in my chest and palpitations ect untill I was in full blown panic! I thought that because I haven't had one since I started meds I wouldn't get them again.

I'm trembling, I just want to cry. I feel like another is going to come on, my chest is still really tight and I'm finding it hard to catch my breath.

"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

18-07-05, 19:33
hey there,

Sorry you're feeling so bad. Try to think about it positively. Say "Well, it's over now so I can get on with things" Meds will help control your panic attacks but won't necessarily stop them altogether. I had one whilst on meds (also for no apparent reason) so maybe you'll be the same and this was just a one-off. Try to relax and take your mind off it..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

18-07-05, 19:36
Its ok hun just slow everything down, breath slowly in and out through your nose 4 in and out, nothing bad will happen to you I promise had it so many times lost count. Mine always come from knowhere as well but it will pass.

Barb xxx

19-07-05, 07:13
Thank guys for your replies. I went into the chat room after I posted this and that really helped I spoke to Suzuki - so thanx again if you read this:). After I go out of the chat room and put my kids to bed I went to mine like you suggested. I still felt a bit tense so I got my partner to cosy me for a bit and that was me out like a light till my son got me up at 6am[V],lol.

Feeling a bit groggy but I've had my breakfast and going to get on with the day. I think that I was just a bit taken by surprise last night.

Anyways Thank you all.

Take Carexx


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

19-07-05, 10:14
Glad to hear you're feeling better and being so positive :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

19-07-05, 16:45
Being positive has only worked for a bit:(. I started to feel really bad when I took my son to nursery but I still had to go into town so I tried to tell myself that I was ok, that didn't work. On the way back from town I started to feel exhausted and got pains in my chest.

I went for a sleep this afternoon whilst my partner played with the kids, and I'm still not feeling any better. I now have a thumping head ache, blurry vision, aching jaw and I just want to go back to bed!:([Sigh...].

"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

19-07-05, 17:43
Maybe you could try a relaxation CD? That always helps me..:D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

19-07-05, 21:42
Any thing that helps you relax is useful and you may want to look into getting into a cbt program. They teach you how to think more accurately about things and that will reduce your anxiety a lot.

19-07-05, 23:26
Attacks happening are bad enough but just like you i have sat and reasoned why and got no apparent reasons and that made it so much worse.

I found with me that little incidents i coped with at the time came back to haunt me more than big ones i could remember, but that is only my personal experience.

Hope i can offer you more support.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

20-07-05, 07:13
Thanks everyone for your replies. I do try hard to relax but that just seems to make me worse if you know what I mean. I could be laying there thinking that I'm relaxed and then I notice that my fists a clenched and so is my jaw[Sigh...].

My partner put on a film last night, 'Taking Lives' with angelina jolie and ethan hawk (highly recommend it if you like a good thriller[Wow!]). I really enjoyed it and totally forgot about how bad I was feeling[Yeah!][8D]. I was totally absorbed into the film it was great:). Maybe films will be how I relax, I have always enjoyed sitting watching a good film.

Unfortunatly I didn't sleep too great last night, so (again!!!) I'm a bit groggy[Ugh]:(.

Oh and my doc has put me forward for CBT on Friday last week but she is unsure of the waiting times so not sure when that will start.

"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

20-07-05, 14:56

Its not surprising with all you have going on that you're like a coiled spring ready to pop..

Could you manage to get yourself to a yoga class once a week..it would help keep you unclenched.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

20-07-05, 15:02

Not sure if there is any yoga classes near me and even if there was not sure if I would have the time. I know that Asda's are selling a yoga mat and starters video, I have thought about picking it up but am worried that my weight might stand in the way of being able to do it. It's probably me being silly but does your weight come into it? or doesn't it matter?


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

20-07-05, 15:10
Doesn't matter a jot about weight - but even going to one group session would be most beneficial as having someone watch your breathing and ensuring you've got the technique right does help which a dvd can't.- also to get you out and about for yourself. Try to look into it a bit


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

20-07-05, 15:22
You know what I might just do that, I think that it's about time that I did something for me.

Who knows I might actually enjoy it and have a laugh[Wow!],lol.

I'm gonna start by looking in my local phone book.

So thanx meg.

Take carexx


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

20-07-05, 16:38
health food shops
Community colleges
Doc surgeries
Village halls
mind body spirit meets
local rags

etc all often carry ads . Ask about

Meditation, pilates or Tai Chi would do too.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

21-07-05, 22:47
Hi, this is my first time on.I was searching for some help in desperation and came across this sight. I first suffered with panic attacks 13 years ago after many differant forms of treatment, they seemed to subside with only a few hitches here and there.Then about 2 months ago I started to feel myself slipping is the only way I can discribe it.I feel as if I am clinging on with my fingernails at the moment constantly only a breath away from full panic.I have started going to the doctors again with the same old symptons,because you cant posible feel this bad without there being something seriously wrong with you.I am asthmatic but can not tell the difference between an asthma attack and a panic attack,what is real and what is my bodys own reaction.My doctor kept suggesting I go back on medication,I was on it for 8 years before and it took a lot to come off it, but I have had to admit defeate and go back on it to try and end this living hell,now I feel I have failed am worthless pathetic.My body has been on full alert mode all day with all the symptons that come with it even as I am typing this my muscles in my back are very painfull from my irratic breathing.Im sorry to have gone on for so long but I feel I need to talk to people who wont think Im odd or strange or worse a hypercondriacte[ proberbly the wrong spelling]Iwill go now thank you for listening.

21-07-05, 23:14
Flower girlk - do feel free to post your own introduction thread..

Meanwhile something set you off these last 2 months ...

If you've already started the meds I hope they kick in soon, if not there are other ways if yoiu don't want meds.

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)
Take care


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

08-10-05, 05:16
Hi Jamie, I was just wondering how you are getting along and whether you got into a cbt or yoga class yet?

08-10-05, 22:25
Hi SB,

Unfortunatly never heard back regarding my CBT:(. Will be getting in touch with my doctor this week to find out what is going on there. I haven't been doing yoga but I have been doing my fitness dvd once a week, I have bought a book on morning exercises and yoga, also just bought a dog about 4 weeks ago and I take him for walks to keep healthy and on the move. Aswell as this I have now taken up Knitting! I'm 21 and Knitting! but it's ment to be relaxing, plus I find that I am actually enjoying it:D.

Find I'm having a much more positive attitude these days, still have my bad days (don't we all[Sigh...]) but more good than bad [Wow!][Yeah!]:)[:P].

Thank you for asking and hope that your doing ok too :)

Take Carexx


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

09-10-05, 06:08
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Find I'm having a much more positive attitude these days, still have my bad days (don't we all[Sigh...]) but more good than bad [Wow!][Yeah!]:)[:P].
<div align="right">Originally posted by jammiebasket - 08 October 2005 : 22:25:56</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
That's great to hear Claire!:)


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

10-10-05, 15:12
Claire - Thats such good news that you're feeling and doing better.

Well done on all your hard work to achieve this progress.

11-10-05, 10:05
Hi Claire hun,

I'm not laughing about the knitting as I find it totally relaxing too. This time last year I made some really funky bags and scarves and gave them as Christmas pressies.

I really must try and get into the chatroom more as haven't caught up with you in ages.

Also do try the yoga - |I started 2 years ago and love it.

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

25-10-05, 21:32
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi SB,

Unfortunatly never heard back regarding my CBT:(. Will be getting in touch with my doctor this week to find out what is going on there. I haven't been doing yoga but I have been doing my fitness dvd once a week, I have bought a book on morning exercises and yoga, also just bought a dog about 4 weeks ago and I take him for walks to keep healthy and on the move. Aswell as this I have now taken up Knitting! I'm 21 and Knitting! but it's ment to be relaxing, plus I find that I am actually enjoying it:D.

Find I'm having a much more positive attitude these days, still have my bad days (don't we all[Sigh...]) but more good than bad [Wow!][Yeah!]:)[:P].

Thank you for asking and hope that your doing ok too :)

Take Carexx


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

<div align="right">Originally posted by jammiebasket - 08 October 2005 : 22:25:56</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Hi Claire, Bummer that your doc never got back to you on cbt. I hope you can get started on it as it works really well if you practice the exercises everyday. There are lots of good books on it that can teach you the exercises so you may want to try and pick one up at your local library. I recommend the one we used in my group by sam obitz and people seem to like it.
I think the knitting and the dog are great too. I know what you mean about the stigma of knitting and being old but if it helps you so what I say :) It sounds like you are making progress and that's the most important thing regardless of how you are doing it.
Thanks for asking how I'm doing also. Other than never seeming to have a spare moment lately I am doing really well. I hate the upcoming fall back time change and the shorter days though, but I can deal with them.
Take care and keep in touch.

april tones
26-10-05, 14:42
hi clare, join the club! been feeling a little low and that lately but only thing was getting me down was bird flu! now i am having panic attacks again out of blue, havent had for year/s/. feel so upset im having again! horrible feeling!


26-10-05, 17:34
Sorry to hear that april, maybe your starting to panic again due to being so wound up about this bird flu lately. You know yourself that relaxation is the best thing for you as well as your breathing and distraction. Are you still thinking abou the bird flu? does it still worry you? cause this could well be your problem.

I do hope that you start to feel better soon, you really are having a bad time of it. Remember from the bottom the only way is up - basically things can only get better:).

Take Carexx


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

april tones
26-10-05, 23:49
hi clare, thats really supportive! feeling better tonight. im no worrying about it as much to be honeset but think that triggered the anxiety! i had a rest this afternoon with my little boy, watching him sleep, tears rolled down my cheeks automatically! i managed to relax and sleep for 25 mins. flet better then. been happy tonight! occasional grinding my teeth, they very sore now! hahah xxx hope you ok xx


09-11-05, 21:42
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">hi clare, thats really supportive! feeling better tonight. im no worrying about it as much to be honeset but think that triggered the anxiety! i had a rest this afternoon with my little boy, watching him sleep, tears rolled down my cheeks automatically! i managed to relax and sleep for 25 mins. flet better then. been happy tonight! occasional grinding my teeth, they very sore now! hahah xxx hope you ok xx


<div align="right">Originally posted by april tones - 26 October 2005 : 23:49:57</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

April I'm glad you are feeling better. I think cbt could help you with your worries and particularly your worries about bird flu. It teaches you how to stop worrying by helping you catch the errors in thinking and counter those thoughts with more objective thoughts. It has helped me a great deal and is worth looking into:D Good Luck.