View Full Version : New Drug!

16-02-09, 23:53
I'm sure you've seen some of the news on this.....but just in case you missed it


17-02-09, 00:39
wow wonderfull

17-02-09, 22:36
Sounds interesting

18-02-09, 14:04
Hmmmmn, i'm sceptical. I were on these for social anxiety but to be honest they didn't really do nothing for me, i were still scared of blushing in front of people!? But if they work for some thats fantastic!

18-02-09, 16:08
I take beta blockers for my anxiety. I can say it has relieved my racing heart and the shaking (although I can still feel like in the mornings when I first wake up) but after reading that article I wonder what effects it does have on the memory. Since sorting my anxiety out I am really depressed which I assume is connected. My memory is so so bad, which is not normally an issue. In a week, I lost my car keys, my mobile phone, my bank card, I locked myself out the house, was trying to drive home and drove completely the wrong way. The tablets have definately helped the anxiety - now I just need to sort the depression out and I will be there