View Full Version : All of these can't be anxiety SURELY

17-02-09, 00:10
I've got so many things I'm worried about its unbelievable. They're genuinely scaring me but I feel like I can't go to the doctors with such a long list of things. I am a very anxious person and I know physical symptoms come with this but surely not all of them

- constantly tender/sore breasts. (I had a fibroadenoma/benign Phyllodes tumour removed a while back so this doesn't help with the worry)
- feeling pulse everywhere
- eye pain in my left eye when I look to the left or the right or up/down.
- upper back pain when I'm sitting down
- stomach cramps
- crawling feeling in the leg
- constant loud gurgling/rumbling in stomach and also lower down than stomach alongside wind, burping a lot
- fluttering feeling below left breast at times - like bubbling
- shooting pains in head that feel like throbbing toothache but last only for a few seconds at a time.
- out of breath frequently from doing not very strenuous things.

Im so exhausted from all this. My family are sick of me complaining about things all the time that everything I mention they ignore and tell me its all in my head. :weep:

17-02-09, 00:47
Yep, pretty much every one of those is a classic physical anxiety symptom.

As mad as it seems you should actually take some solace in the fact that you are having all those physical anxiety symptoms as they pretty much confirm that it is anxiety....there really is nothing else that could be causing all that and when you consider that they are all classic and known anxiety symptoms at least you can relax that it is the culprit.

17-02-09, 22:47
Did you know that tense neck muscles can make your eyes hurt when yo move them!!!!!!!!! and even more bizarrly and I have had this it can make you hear your eyeballs moving with a sound like a loud creak in your head everytime you move your eyes. Freaked me out big time many years ago.
I have damage to my cervical spine that means my neck muscles are always in spasm to some degree, this can happen also with plain anxiety so alot of the symptoms that you get with anxiety are coming from tense muscles.

18-02-09, 23:00
hello totally understand how you are feeling my family tell me i am mad and that it is all in my head i have all the stuff that you have listed and more to add to that hopefully we get the help we need here

19-02-09, 00:35
It does seem hard to chalk all of the symptoms up to anxiety but EVERYTHING that you have listed is an anxiety symptom! I have had every one of those and a few dozen more.

19-02-09, 00:50
thanks everyone! :)

Its only the pain in both breasts thats concerning me now. Its been constant all month - and I've always been lucky in that this has never troubled me before. I had a supposed fibroadeoma removed in December which they later said could also have been a benign Phyllodes tumour. Obviously terrible thoughts are going through my mind that it wasn't benign at all and that it has spread throughout both breasts and into my back hence the back pain.

could tension due to anxiety cause breast pain or shall I go to the doctors?

19-02-09, 01:15
I can relate 100%. A few years ago I convinced myself that I had breast cancer after feeling pain in and around one breast and under my arm. I was constantly feeling my breasts and searching for evidence which I was sure I had found - the expert that I am ;) I even convinced my Doctor that I needed a mammogram even though I was under 40 with no genetic history etc etc. She gave me the requisition but I had to pay to get the mammogram!! It turned out that I was fine and eventually the constant pains went away with the exception of the normal monthly breast discomfort. I am more than certain that the anxiety caused the pains as it severely affect our muscles and nerves which then leads to all kind of aches, pains and discomfort. And just to add quickly, breast cancer usually does not cause pain.

Hope your worries have been eased slightly

21-02-09, 23:33
Alot of those things you mentioned are normal. I think you just focus on them too much - Like we all do.

My doctor showed me an 'exercise' if you can call it that. Just focus on one part of your body for a little while, and you'll start to get weird sensations in it. Then change it to another body part.. And the same will happen.

22-02-09, 11:52
I keep directing people to "Main Menu" then "Symptoms" - scroll through this and you will find that most of your / our worrying ailments are really quite common.
Hope this helps.:hugs:
I also know how family and friends get 'fed up' listening to us :weep: - if only they knew how much we hurt:weep:
Best wishes