View Full Version : 18 Year Old, Losing My Mind?! Warning: LONG

17-02-09, 09:53
First and foremost, this is going to be an EXTREMELY long post, so be wary. I'll try to abbreviate it somewhat.

I never post anything on forums, especially ones pertaining to self-help/medical-mental problems, etc. so this is a first for me. In fact, I'm doing it mostly to vent, and to see if anyone else can remotely relate to my particular predicament...because frankly, I think I have achieved an entirely new level of anxiety/panic. I am absolutely not exaggerating about this. I just don't want anyone to think I'm being a hypochondriac.

Now, for reference sake, I am an 18 year old (as said in the topic) male, I'm 5'9 and I weigh about 135. I'm very active (well, was, before panic attacks) and I am a vegetarian (yet still get my supplements/vitamins/daily needs). I have no family history of heart disease, etc. on either side.

Also, I had never had an anxiety/panic attack in my life, up until about 3 1/2 months ago. I have never smoked cigarettes, or used any other drug besides marijuana. Now, granted, I am a slightly anxious person, as is my Dad...but it never presented a problem in the past. I first started smoking marijuana last January, and at first it was only on weekends. Maybe a bowl or so with friends. Then as the months progressed, it was during the week sometimes. During the summer I would smoke every other day, usually a 1/2 a joint or a joint a day. Some weeks I'd do less, or go without for a few days. And occasionally I'd smoke (if it was a larger group) a few bowls. Then this fall it calmed down to once or twice a week. Pretty sporadic usage overall, I'd say.

I started to notice some funny effects going on in late October. I stopped for a few days as I was a little nervous about smoking again. On November 5th (conveniently right after election day) I got up to smoke a joint...in the morning. No one else was home. My heart rate started to increase, rapidly, and I had no idea what was going on. I was terrified. Instead of calling 911, I called my Mom, she came home, and we met the ambulance half way to the hospital. They did an EKG in the ambulance and though my heart was beating at about 160 bpm, apparently everything was "normal".

I was at the hospital and eventually calmed down enough to go home. They diagnosed this as a panic attack. I then returned to the ER the next day with symptoms of what I could only described as "floaty feelings", "pectoral tightness", "palpitations", I wasn't really sure. I have never been seriously ill (or even sick really) in my life, nor have I broken anything, sprained anything, etc.

I came home yet again. From November-6th up until Christmas I was a nervous wreck. I barely got any sleep most nights, as I was terrified of dying in my sleep. We returned to the ER probably 2-3 more times. I would have constant twinges, racing heart (though not as bad as the Nov. 5th), odd pains that I didn't know how to describe but I was sure were cardiac, etc. It ruined my Thanksgiving. I couldn't even open my presents on Christmas. I cancelled on plans with friends, many many times.

I remember trying to go see "Yes Man" with a group of people Christmas Eve, just to try and see if I could make it through. I felt nervous the entire time, and felt a pretty intense pain in my chest, then darted out of there and drove home. I felt like I was going to pass out at the wheel, I was sweating, and I'm sure I broke the speed limit getting home.

During that time also, I went to see a different physician because my previous pmc stops treating patients after they turn 18, hence pediatric. Thought my previous pmc did a quick check up and said "not to worry, it was anxiety" after I described all of my issues. This new physician was a PA-C (but had worked in the ER). He sent me to the hospital to get blood tests done (checking for thyroid, a whole plethora of other things), urine sample, EKG, and chest x-ray. Everything came back fine.

However, I kept saying that though evidently I do not feel those "pains" and "sensations" during the tests, that doesn't mean they can't happen otherwise...which they did, and do. I just refused to believe that anxiety could have THAT much of a physiological connection. The mind is powerful, but I wasn't buying that I could be a contributing factor to all this suffering.

Mind you, during THAT period. It was like hell. Honestly, I was constantly in a state of peril, always terrified, and I'm not ashamed to admit it...I cried, often. I thought everything I did was going to be the "last time" I did it. I couldn't even play guitar or listen to music, or do anything enjoyable because I thought that if I started to enjoy things...something terrible is going to happen.

I was (and still am) seeing a PhD certified counselor who actually has expertise in anxiety disorders. He is doing CBT sessions with me. Honestly, I didn't see any progress being made, I don't know if I'm doing them correctly, or actually pushing myself hard enough to go out there and "face things" after the sessions...or what. And after a CBT session, a felt one of my worst pains yet before going to dinner with my parents.

Regardless of all this, after new years I attempted to smoke again, because even though it had done terrible things to my body...I still missed the "feeling" I got. I literally only took two hits with a friend. Then, I started to feel guilty about it, but not exactly panicked. However, over the course of the next few days, I felt like I had done something horrible to myself and screwed everything up, as it were. So, after arranging a meeting with my new primary care physician, I told her about everything that had happened, and she did an EKG on the spot. It was normal.

She also prescribed Paxil, starting off at 10mg. I should note that I have an array of medications, none of which I have taken. Paxil, Zoloft, Visaril, etc. The doctors prescribe them to me, but I am not an advocate of prescriptions, by any means, so I just don't take them. I had been on Zoloft before, a few years ago, I've heard multiple accounts of friends and family...medications are just not an option. Period. Even the doctors and the counselor were not really "for" them, especially for long term usage. I know that's mildly hypocritical considering I dabbled with a substance like marijuana, but I figured that since I did my research (with friends and family as bases) I thought I was good to go.

Anyway, the sensations continued, and through the end of January...things spiraled even more out of control. I started to become a victim of derealization. When it first happened, I wasn't even aware of what was going on. I remember getting out of the shower and my limbs felt almost "light", and I looked at myself in the mirror and things didn't feel right. I started to panic, and eventually calmed down. The derealization has not gone away though, seemingly no matter what I do...even when I keep busy (or try to). Sometimes it materializes itself as a dreamlike state, or I'll just notice things don't "feel" or "look" how they should. It's beyond unbearable.

If I were to keep a list of all the sensations I've had, people would probably be astounded. It has ranged from light, tingling feelings in my chest (sometimes a warmth) which may sound pleasant feeling, like butterflies, but it isn't. There have been twinges, sharp one second pains, pains that come from me taking a breath (so much so you're afraid to take another breath). There has been lightheadedness and dizziness. A feeling of "sea legs" where I think I'm on a cruise ship almost and I have to sit down immediately. A feeling of even sitting on the couch and almost acting like you have to "catch up" with your breathing by taking an extra deep breath, but you feel like you're not getting a full breath, and it takes a few tries.

I know a lot of those are anxiety provoked symptoms, but when they happen when I'm not even feeling anxious (even sub-conciously), they scare the hell out of me. So, while my new PMC has been away, I went to yet another doctor (at the same clinic) and basically rehashed everything. This was about a week and a half ago.
He said he would send me to the cardiology wing at the hospital to do a stress test.

I did the test and was nervous first getting there with a high heart rate, and even though it was up at about 180 (during the treadmill test), apparently they weren't concerned, and my blood pressure toward the end was fine. They also did the EKG during the test and that was fine as well.

I thought that would finally clear my mind. So, stupidly (I am extremely stubborn)...I thought of trying to smoke one more time. Literally a few days after the test, I took (once again) only 2 hits...immediately felt panicked, a rapid heart rate that lasted for about 2 hours to calm down. I know how that sounds, for the third time you'd think I'd learn. I obviously am overcoming a slight addiction/dependence, and I am not seeking pity for it. It's an issue. But, I really am done with it now. The second time trying it I thought was a fluke, but three times clearly shows me marijuana is never going to pair well with me.

So the next day, feeling embarrassed this time...I went up to the ER and consulted with the MD on duty. He did another EKG, and hooked my up to a monitor that was measuring my oxygen intake/heart rate, and it would intermittently do blood pressure, for about a half hour. He came in and said he "believes it isn't my heart, or physical per se". So the medical professional tally now is six (seven if you count my psychologist) saying that it is not physical (per se).

I also have undergone more "Earthy remedies" such as taking Magnesium supplements (which I read can decrease palpitations, have a calming effect, and decrease nerve tension). I've also avoided caffeine since November, and I don't really eat too many sweets (or very much junk food).

I'm still unconvinced though, after though the battery of tests I've received. Partly because of the fact that I have been doing my own sort of self-diagnoses/research online, which, every health professional says you shouldn't do. I am a product of my environment, aka a stubborn/strong-willed family. Even going on forums isn't something they vouch for. It's sort of that "new medical student thinks he/she has everything, after learning about it" sort of dilemma. I get so nervous from looking at even those (usually overly-opinionated, non-relaible) Yahoo! Answers pages concerning panic/health/marijuana etc. I have fully stopped smoking pot as of a few days ago (and I don't even know if they past two times, which total 4 hits between Nov 5. and now really count), but I feel like I could have developed a coronary disease...or set myself up for a terrible future.

I don't think I'm going to be able to get over that. If I would've known weed was this detrimental to my health (not to mention my sanity), I would have declined the offer to smoke it for the first time. It's just an terrible feeling thinking you've done something to your body, knowingly, and even more frustrating when no one finds anything (I mean, I don't want them to, but you understand), and/or writes it off as just "anxiety".

It really has come to the point where my day consists of fretting. I obviously haven't been able to go to school (I was enrolled at college), and my parents both work so I am terrified all day, and I just usually try to sleep until one of them comes home. I don't do anything with friends anymore, and I make up excuses. I feel so down and this derealization stuff is making me question my sanity. I feel like a zombie. I can't even watch a tv show or something while my parents are sleeping. I can attempt, but I can't truly relax. I also just got a new car (ironically, right before November 5th) that I haven't been able to drive. I don't really feel shameful or embarrassed mentioning any of this, because honestly...I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like I'm losing connections with my family, my friends, myself. I barely speak, because I'm so tired of talking about this, because really it's all I talk about...you have no idea. I feel like I'm a ticking time bomb, and I feel like I'm dying.

As it stands, it's 4:30 am, as I'm finishing typing this...needless to say sleep doesn't come easily. My meals also get thrown off balance because of this. I feel like I'm creating a pity parade, but this is all exactly the truth. I really don't even feel like a human being, and I'm so horrified/sad/angry/frustrated about all of this that it caused me to have a slight mental breakdown a few weeks ago. I literally woke my Mom up and had to talk with her at around 3 am, I was really losing my grip on reality.

I apologize for the rambling on, and the amount of grammatical errors that I assuredly made, albeit it is late...or early. Anyway, maybe some of you will find some of the aforementioned helpful or relatable in some way. I hope so.

17-02-09, 12:25
Hi Jon,

Thanks for posting your story, it was really well written and I can quite relate to how you are feeling even though I am much older than you are:winks:

I too am very sorry for what you have been going through...this whole anxiety thing is extremely frightening and over whelming to say the least.

I never used marijuana until I was about 23 and then I used it once....I was drinking at a party, had probably had a fair bit and I am a cigarette smoker so when I grabbed hold of a joint I kind of (in my drunken state lol) smoked it like a cigarette. I have never had a feeling like that before! I instantly became extremely conscious of my heart, it was racing and pounding in my head and I was absolutely terrified. I kind of passed out as in I collapsed but I could hear everything that was happening around me but could not respond in any way. I think I was like that for about 20 minutes. Well.......guess what? that was the beginning of my panic attacks and my lifelong experience with anxiety. The next one happened about 6 months later while I was just sitting in a lecture at university and I instantly related my feelings to that experience with the marijuana and was terrified. Then the fear of the fear began and thus the beginning of the rollercoaster...

I believe that if people are predisposed to anxiety then marijuana and other drugs can set them off...needless to say I never touched marijuana again and am, since that experience, quite wary of anything new I put into my body including herbal remedies...

By reading your post I pick up that you are very much a deep thinker (most of us anxiety sufferers are) and that you analyse things deeply also. I too am like that and while I am proud of that trait I also think it inhibits recovery somewhat with anxiety. I don't know if you want my advice but from experience I think that the first thing you need to do is try to accept that yes, you do in fact suffer from anxiety and that yes, anxiety can do many, many remarkable things to our bodies. You said that you were not even anxious sub consciously and I have at times thought the same thing. However, analyse that statement....sub consciously means that we are not conscious of it so we are not aware of our anxiety at all times. You have gone through a hellish time but you have been seen by many doctors and there comes a point where you/we have to accept what they say, they are the experts and they do know their field. Accept that everything you are experiencing is anxiety and you will have taken the first step towards recovery...

I think the next step is patience.....We want this to go so much, it is so awful and we mourn the person we perceive that we used to be so we want this gone NOW. The thing is.....the body takes quite a beating when we are so anxious and it does take a little time to feel 'strong' again. Try and eat regularly and healthily. You use up SO much energy when anxious and you'd be surprised how much the nutrition can help you. Don't google symptoms! You know how that is affecting you so as you have given up the marijuana make a real conscious effort to give that up too. Very important.

Lastly and this may sound very difficult but take small steps and you will get there.....try and do some stuff that interests you....pick up your guitar and play....give your mind a break from the worrying which it really needs. Slowly, try to accept the anxiety, breathe slowly and deeply through it and take small steps to get back to your life.... You need the distraction and you also need the self confidence that you will get back as you re enter life as it were.

I hope you don't mind me saying all of this.....I have been there a few times...at that nervous breakdown stage and while you are there you feel you will never get back again. But you will...I promise you....it is so frightening and the way you are reacting is quite normal considering what has been happening to you. Try and get some books about anxiety and read them and believe them. You are not going insane and you will not be like this for the rest of your life. Talk to your counsellor, your parents, anyone you are close to...try to help them to understand and how they can help you. Distraction is great...try and get out and about a bit, go for a walk (not sure how cold it is right now in the US) and while you are out redirect your mind...make yourself notice things about you, colours, scents, activity...anything....your mind needs to rest as I said and you will start to feel better with the distractions and the exercise...

Take care and all the best to you...

17-02-09, 14:41
Hi Jon,

By taking the step to share your anxiety experience is a liberating experience as you are with folk who understand ! I concur with Tetley with reagrd to the pat you smoked.It can have a negative effect on a person who is predisposed to anxiety.

You are NOT alone in the symptoms you feel, I have the palpitations, rapid heartrate, irreguar & frightening! Like you I have had stress ecg's, ecg's cardiac enzymes, sonar & all came back positive .POSTIVE in that I do not have a life threatening heart disorder. Does this set my mind at ease? Oh no, I still feel vulnerable & scared during & after a PA.

Hang in there, Talk about it - it helps

:hugs: Blot

Forrest Gump
18-02-09, 18:11
Thanks for sharing Jon. I can relate to most of what you write and certainly all of the pains and ER visits. Very good things have already been replied here, so I just wanted to write a little, and that you're not alone in this. This forum has been a lifesaver for me, I would probably have gone mad without this resource of shared experiences and learning about our illness. Just today I was feeling a bit better and went to the cinema. About ten minutes into the movie there was a frightening scene that literally jump started a panic attack, sending a shock wave through my body and an intense pain in my jaw. But from what I've learned about panic attacks, mainly on this forum, I was able to deal with it. I had to leave the cinema, realizing that I'm simply not able to watch movies with very scary parts yet, but that's ok. When I got home I felt better. This is a progress. Two months ago, I would have ended up in the ER.
I know that all of this will take time, and I'm really, really tired of all the pains and worries. But I also believe in that for me, as for you, it will get better. It will take time, a lot of patience and effort, but it will get better.

I also have a background smoking weed, although it was many years ago now. It didn't give me any panic attacks, but definitely boosted some depressions, so I quit. However, I recently found out that alcohol triggers my panic attacks, either after drinking or the day after, so I've quit that also now. It's a bit sad not to be able to party, as that can really get your mind of things in a positive way. But this is how it is now and I just have to deal with it. It's probably the same for you with the weed, it's just not good for you now.

When things like this happens, I think that we have to somehow reinvent ourselves to find new meanings and joys that don't at the same time feed the panic. I used to be a musician for many years but quit because I felt too much artistic and creative pressure. Music in itself can be very comforting, but thinking about taking up music again triggers my anxiety. However, I sometimes just pick up my guitar and try to play just for the fun of it. No goals. No songwriting. Just being in the moment. It feels ok, and sometimes when I'm about to get a panic attack I can literally play it away.
I guess I will have to reinvent myself, just like that.

Hang in there and keep searching for good ways to go about your situation. And as already mentioned, do not google illnesses.

18-02-09, 20:15
Almost certainly, marijuana was your trigger. It is NOT a harmless drug, but I think you've figured that one out! Obviously, you have to stop smoking it, forever. People vary in their tolerance/reaction but its illegal for darn good reasons IMHO. Rarely, it can lead to schizophrenia. Just leave it..its ironic you are opposed to medication but smoked that.

Sounds like (it can happen) you have a bit of an addiction going, and the need to smoke it and the side effects are chicken and egg.

I have great sympathy with your anxiety, I know how horrible that is. It is a bit of a weird feeling for me to know, as someone with a LOT of derealization in their past that drove me to near suicide (and who has never done drugs beyond a bit of recreational alcohol), that some people deliberately expose themselves to the risk, surely knowing what marijuana can do. I mean, why? I know that is a larger question than can be answered through a couple of case studies but it baffles me.

I wish you well in your recovery but feel this is down to one thing. You have been blunt, open and straight so I didn't think you'd mind a response of the same school.

Forrest Gump
18-02-09, 21:10
It is a bit of a weird feeling for me to know, as someone with a LOT of derealization in their past that drove me to near suicide (and who has never done drugs beyond a bit of recreational alcohol), that some people deliberately expose themselves to the risk, surely knowing what marijuana can do. I mean, why? I know that is a larger question than can be answered through a couple of case studies but it baffles me.

People do a lot of things to escape from everything from everyday boredom to a downright mess of a life with illness and despair. Not all remedies are safe, by all means not even the Xanax that I've been given by my doctor to relieve my panic attacks are safe. Addiction and withdrawal symptoms can give me hell on earth (which is why I'm currently getting off them gradually). I could easily compare the relief that I would get from Xanax or similar meds to the relief that I would get from marijuana or alcohol. IMHO there are very few safe remedies from suffering. Even having something so obvious as a close and dear friend can turn out to be a long lasting nightmare if you have a major fall out. But to come back to the point, sure, marijuana is not by any means a safe or suitable choice for relief. But in the context of good friends just hanging out, having a joint and good time, it can seem as harmless as anything. Most people don't know what can harm them unless (overly) educated about it and/or having seen the harm up close. Combine the two - having and good time and not really getting the full picture - and there you go.

18-02-09, 23:46
Thank you, all of you for all of the responses so far. I didn't think it would be as comforting as it actually is to know that what I'm feeling has affected (way) more people than I thought. Especially the physical manifestations.

I don't really even know where to start though, for recovery I mean. I'm working with CBT right now, in a different method than I was before. I'm still very much concerned about health. As ridiculous as it sounds, I even worry about indulging in pretty much any even remotely not-so-healthy snack due to worries about my heart. And even typing this I keep getting this warm sensation around my back and an "emptiness" feeling around my chest.

@ Forrest Gump, that radiating pain going into your jaw, I was especially worried about that...as it happened a few weeks ago at my house. Hearing that so many people have the same symptoms eases my mind a bit.

@ Serenity, your response left me pretty hopeful as well. Also, what you said about being a deep thinker and analyzing, is so spot on. People always say that I have a (sometimes OVERLY) analytical personality, and I think that obviously that has hindered "progress" so far. And since I've never really been predisposed to illness, etc. before, I read into every little thing that my body throws at me.

It's such a discouraging thing though...all of this. Last night I had found some old photos of my childhood and even just a few years ago where I was so carefree and not worried about...anything really. Looking at those and recalling memories is probably the most painful thing of all in actuality. :/

19-02-09, 07:33
stop the weed, and put ur mind else where and dont monitor ur thought, let them be, ull be normal in no time, i smoked weed got f**kd up for 7 month with dp, i learned to deal with it, let it go and i was back to normal, watever u do dnt chill at home, go out do s**t, that will defenatly help, helped me

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20-02-09, 04:17
Hi Jon, I am so sorry to hear that you are feeling so horrible. Please know that you are not alone I once too was around your gae when I first tried Marijuana I had the msot horrible trip of life I thought and felt like I was dying I'm pretty sure I was even hallucinating a little. As though that wasn't enough to teach me a lesson I kept smoking it because I thought it was an isolated incident. It was then that I started having debilitating panic attacks that made me unbale to go places where there is lots of people, interact with my family and friends. It's really hard for them to understand what we are going through. After lots of therapy and support I had my old life back until lately when I began having attacks again. I am 21 now. I have every symptom that you describe and more and I too fee lonely and hopeless so I just want to say if you ever need someone to talk to who understands please feel free to msg me! Please don't give up try some self-help books,pray, do anythignt hat helps you. I am trying accupuncture right now because I refuse medications. It's funny that people liek us that have smoked a drug on numerous occasions are so strongly against drugs :P seems so silly i know.
Take care,