View Full Version : Generally feel unwell, anyone else

17-02-09, 12:33
I've noticed with my GAD I just seem to feel generally unwell all the time. I feel sick, achy (joints are so sore), tired (well exhauseted) etc, just like when you've got a virus. I feel like this all the time and it's starting to really get to me. Does anyone else with GAD feel like this or is it just me?

17-02-09, 12:51
Yeah i'm exactly the same. If I didn't feel like crap all the time my anxiety wouldn't be there. The main symptom for me is just feeling tired all the time and trouble focusing with my eyes and feel like i'm suffering with a virus. I'm a lot worse in the morning and it seems to ease off as the day goes on.

17-02-09, 14:47
Its just like me, i dont feel ok at all. Every day it seems like it is something wrong. Dizzy, naussea, ache, vertigo, panic etc.

/ Daniel

17-02-09, 14:55
Yes, tmjd, aching, nausea the lot, sick of it

17-02-09, 15:14
Had all these horrible symptoms for about 8 weeks when my anxiety was high after a couple of bad panic attacks out of the blue. Must say I feel better now but guess that is 'cos the anxiety level, though still there is less than before. Just feel sick to my stomach when I first wake in the morning and have to drag myself out of bed. Body says I can get up..head says not!! Bit more like depression I think. Oh dear, falling to bits again!! Anyway, hope there are better days coming for you. XXXXXX

17-02-09, 16:56
Thanks so much for the replies.

I guess the worst thing for me is the constant feeling of wanting to be sick. Am on Metoclopramide for that but they only last upto 12 hours (if I take the maximum 3) then I have 12 hours of having to cope with it. The exhaustion is another thing, just sooooo tired all the time but can't sleep.

Sorry to hear others are going through the same sort of thing, wonder why anxiety does this to us even when we are not having an anxious episode?

17-02-09, 18:01
Hi Cat,
I know exactly how you feel. It's a vicious circle. You feel ill which makes the anxiety worse which weakens you and keeps the virus thingie going.
Hope you start to feel better soon.

take care


17-02-09, 18:49
Got to agree with everyone on this one I feel like as though I am in the early stages of flu all the time like when you feel generally under the weather as though you are coming down with something sort of low grade sore throats, slight headaches, absoloutely shattered all the time.

17-02-09, 23:21
Nausea was/is my biggest symptom and the one that perpetuates my anxiety, I had anti sickness drugs and they didn't touch it. I am now having CBT (I don't take any meds though) and learning to deal with negative thought cycles and the anxiety this brings on. I am having whole days now where I don't feel sick at all and this is directly related to me thinking more rationally about my fears and how they feed my anxiety.

I know how awful it is to feel so ill all the time, and I am not cured yet, but I do want you all to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel, so don't ever give up.

R x

17-02-09, 23:45
Same here, everyday I feel something. Lack of energy, weakness, dizzy, nausea, the blah....

18-02-09, 03:01
Same here, ESPECIALLY during the winter months! Feeling run down, on the verge of a cold/flu, aching joints and muscles and TIRED. Sometime Blue too! I sometimes use a light box but if I'm in too much of a funk I let it slide.

General Blahdome! Then I have a glass of wine...not recommended but sometimes a must for me :)

18-02-09, 14:06
I'm sat here now after yet another night of waking on and off throughout feeling sick and shattered. I have an appointment tomorrow which is going to last an hour and I haven't a clue how I'm going to get through it