View Full Version : Any advice for someone going through a rough time?

17-02-09, 15:09
I've been suffering from health anxiety for over two years now. I'm increasingly aware of it and trying to deal with it, but I'm a very nervous person, and socially shy, so I find getting help really hard. I'm terrified of doctors and hospitals as well, so rather than going to see my doctor or getting tested for something I just put it off and panic for ages that I'm unwell.

I am terrified of going for counselling, and although I have been trying to do some CBT myself, I only really do it occasionally when I can't find any other way of controlling my panic.

I'm worst about diseases that are symptomless, such as cancer and AIDs. I also have an unbearable fear of STIs that affects my ability to enjoy sex, even though both me and my boyfriend have been tested. I suffer from IBS, which gives me really bad stomach pains, and I invariably think they are caused by something more serious. It sounds stupid, but all the coverage of Jade Goody's cervical cancer is like a nightmare for me, I spend all my time thinking that's what I have even though I am only 20 and have none of the symptoms.

I'm really struggling at the moment because my boyfriend and me are no longer living together, so I can't get any reassurance off him, and I feel very very alone. When I am feeling low or when I am on my own tends to be when I am most vulnerable, and I end up googling illnesses for ages. Sometimes I can't even get out of bed. I am already depressed about moving, as I feel like he is rejecting me, even though I know deep down it is not because of that.

I just wanted to know if anyone has any suggestions for me, or is going through a similar time. I am so glad I found this forum, it feels like somewhere where I don't have to hide or be ashamed any more.


17-02-09, 15:32
I literally could've written this myself! I'm only 21 too.

I too am terrified of doctors and hospitals, so I've never officially been diagnosed with anxiety, even though I'm certain I have it, because I'm too scared to go! I've finally faced my fear today though, and booked an appointment with my GP for next Wednesday. But I know I'm going to spend the next week worried about it, what I'm going to say when I get in there, if I don't bottle out of it before then!

Some days I don't see the point in getting out of bed. I'm in my third year of university, I graduate in May, and I'm so behind on my work I'm in danger of throwing the last three years down the toilet. But I have no motivation to do any work. I don't see the point.

I get so many sympthoms, I can't remember the last time I didn't have any! If it's not stomach cramps it's heart burn, or palpitations, or headaches, or aching arms. And every time I think, surely anxiety can't have THIS many sympthoms, this has got to be something serious. It's literally one disease after another, I convince myself I have.

Over the last few years, every time an immediate family member has been to the doctors, it's been cancer. First my uncle, then my dad, then my nan. Luckily my dad and my nan's cases were very minor, but my uncle's was terminal. And he's so bad now, the doctors think it's very unlikely that he'll see the week out. I've just been round to see him, and it's set me off all over again. It's so, so sad. He's only in his 40s. And I can't help but think that I'm next, I can't put my family through all of this again.

Sorry to completely hijack your post, haha! But I was about to write my own one, then I read yours and related to it so much!

17-02-09, 15:47
If it is any comfort you are not alone with these feeling. I know exactly how you are suffering.After several months of relative normality I am now going through a nasty bout of HA. Like you I have been following the Jade Goody story and her braveness makes me feel a complete worm. Here I am terrified of something I probably haven't even got and she has very little time to live and yet still manages to deal with the media attention on top of the cancer.
I have found this site to be very helpfull at times like these and I hope that knowing that we all help each other as best as we can will get us through it

12-03-09, 01:21

People are going to disagree with what I say but its the old adage - I have an opinion and I am entitled to give it.

With regards to Jade Goody I do feel a lot of sympathy for herself and especially her little children - its a horrible horrible disease an she is battling this with the greatest of gusto.


I hate this story maybe its because I also have cancer thats not curable and im fighting for my life as well - Its a permanent reminder of whats ahead of myself and family plus other sufferers too just cant get away from it no matter how hard we try. As its in every newspaper - web - tv - no matter what avenue we take its there! and I think is so unfair..

Its a well known fact that people who suffer from Health Anxieties would be the hardest hit with this - in the 1st few mths of this story breaking young girls were going mad at their doctors for smear tests - its resulted in Panic! And those who say Jade Goody saved my life are talking rubbish - doctors save lives not BB contestants...It highlights a problem but how many rushed to their doctors for mammograms when Kylie Minogue confirmed she had breast cancer - she tackled that disease with such dignity - whereas Jade Goody has tarnished it shes made this into a tacky media circus - How many ill people really want cameras stuck in their face each time they need to see a doctor!! I for one wouldnt!!

This 'im doing it all for my boys' - gets right up my nose - Where's her life ins ? Has she even got any - what about their dad whos also a tv presenter shouldnt he be more hands on with his children - Private schooling - does it make them better children for it!! Maybe better educated but they all don't turn out pillars of society because they attended a privately funded school - if the brains are in the childrens head then it will emerge no matter where they are educated..

To the person who opened this post all Id like to say is - Relax and stop worrying about something that may never happen - this is people putting the bejabbers up others and this media frenzy dont stop to think for a second how others with Health Anxieties will be affected by these storylines - It's all to sell newspapers and to scare people into the bargain - My advice to any of you is - STOP listening to this story - STOP buying the papers - TURN the television off and if theres a web page about it - CLOSE it..

HA is bad enough - and people suffer day in day out - they dont need anything to add to it.

Take Care & all the best :hugs:

Dee x

12-03-09, 01:48
eek well i don't have anything to say on the above post but to go back to the original post - i know how you feel. when my boyfriend of 5 years and i first broke up, it got worse because i spent so much time in my apartment alone .. a google petri dish of sorts! i spent way too much time freaking out, googling, freaking out about what i found on google, and then googling whatever i was freaking out about. ahrhrhghghghghghhhh! it is the LAST thing you want to do right now.. but try to plan engagements that force you to get out of the house. i would actually get annoyed when i had to leave or stop obsessing, but it was the only way to stop the cycle. also get outdoors.. get to the gym.. you'll have a lot to get through with the health anxiety but dealing with no longer living with a boyfriend - that's an anxiety in its own right and can only be cured by distraction distraction distraction. gahhhh i know how u feel!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BIG HUGS.

12-03-09, 09:17
I just gotta say I kind of agree with DeMac nothing else to say, it's all been said.

12-03-09, 09:30
I just gotta say I kind of agree with DeMac nothing else to say, it's all been said.

Me too. I'm sick of seeing Jade Goody's face. She's milking a horrible disease for all it's worth and it's disgusting. If she's doing all this to get money for her kids, why did she blow so much on a lavish wedding? And all the free stuff she got for it. People die of cancer every day. Where's their free stuff?