View Full Version : Any words of wisdom?

17-02-09, 16:32
Hi folks

I have been trying to battle this one out on my own but i'm afraid it has a hold on me good and proper.

For the past few weeks i have had that 'tight throat' feeling, you know the one like you are being strangled!? I can't get rid of it for long and have myself convinced that my throat is going to close over.

yes, i have found myself with my shoulders drawn up and my jaw clenched but i just get rid of it. Grrrrrrr

Any advice would be welcome

Love Lisa

17-02-09, 18:42
hi lisa, sorry your having it rough ATM but i had this same thing not to long ago and i have now found how to get rid of it in a hurry I PUT THAT STUFF THAT IS FOR SORE MUSCLES ON MY NECK AND YEAH IT DOES HAVE A SMELL BUT IT DOES GET RID OF THAT TIGHT THROAT FEELIN THAT KIND I USE IS CALLED MAXIMUN STRENGHT FLEXALL AND IT WORKS EVERYTIME FOR ME !!! it only makes sence that it work work for this because it is your muscles in your neck that is tensed up so this stuff makes them RELAX so hope it works for you hun GOOD LUCK

17-02-09, 19:25

Thankyou huni! To be honest with you, i would try anything. It's been so long since i last had this, the impact has been massive. I was convinced today that i was a gonner and had to call a friend of mine to talk me round. Even though i believed what she was telling me and i started to become calmer, it's taken hours for the muscles to relax as i was so wound up.

Sheeeesh bloomin anxiety! Lol
Thanks for your reply hun

Love Lisa