View Full Version : almost constant headaches

17-02-09, 18:29
over the past 4-5 months i've been having some really bad headaches and pressure on the side of my head, they have been my main source of anxiety and i've almost gotten to the point of believing i was going to die from a brain tumour, even though i understand how absurd it is for a 17 year old to think this, they havent been getting any better and ive tried everything, been to doctors, neurologists, opticions, all of whom have told me theres nothing to be worried about- but i just cant bring myself to forget about it, when i feel this horrible pressure in my head, can anyone help?

19-02-09, 01:38
i'm 18 and so with you on this one! mines mainly pressure on my right side, if its not the whole side then it's very often a sore patch on that one side at the back of my head. i'm on here actually right now cos ive got it again and its actually really painful and i'm scared!!

19-02-09, 01:58
I had these headaches also. They are called tension headaches and they are so painful. The only thing I can tell you is to try and relax your shoulders. When we get anxious we bunch up our shoulders and clench our jaws. That causes pinched nerves and tight muscles. Try and roll your shoulders out and use an ice pack on your head to relieve some of the pressure. I know how bad you feel. Mine are finalyy gone. PM me if I can help you in any way. Take care.

19-02-09, 11:15
Sounds like tention headaches, try syndol.

19-02-09, 13:12

I've got almost exactly the same thing going on at the moment and I too have been worrying about brain tumours.

I've had the full list of health anxiety issues over the past few years but had been pretty good for a couple of years until about 5 months ago.

I started getting the headaches every day. It seems to move around the head but it is generally at the side or at the back behind the ears. I know in reality it's tension headaches but it's so easy to allow yourself to believe that's it's something more serious.

I'm guessing that it has coincided with a stressful period in your life, as has mine, and if you just try and relax and igmore the problem, don't think about it, it will go away.....

Good luck

19-02-09, 18:49
thanks for all the response, today was particularly bad as a woke up with a headache and it has yet to go away, :wacko:

22-02-09, 12:22
I have the same as you, have been going to the doctors every week for 4 weeks told stress and tension but i find them frightening because they never truly go away, no painkillers help, which makes it more frightening!!!