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18-07-05, 23:40
My Anxiety Recovery Programme

I have designed a Anxiety Recovery programme to help get rid of or at least give relief against anxiety.

1. Take Supplements.

Including Omega 3 fish oils (very good for the heart and joints and can really help depression and stress)
Vitamin B complex & minerals (to help keep the body and nervous system working well)
Co-Enzyme Q10 (Gives you more energy and is good against fighting illness and viruses etc)
Ginkgo Biloba (Very good for circulation, memory, concentration etc)


This is very important, try to do at leat 30-60 minutes of exercise everyday, walking is fine but cycling, swimming, situps, press-ups etc are more intensive and gets your heart racing and this can help anxiety a great deal and it has aload of other good effects on the body.

3. Changing Thoughts

Try to always stay positive, do not let things worry you too much, negative thoughts will increase anxiety and make you feel worse, the more positive you are the better.


Like myself i no longer drink caffeine, all tea, coffee and cappuccino that i drink are all decaf.
Do not drink alcohol, avoid sugar and chocolate, do not smoke, if you smoke try to quit like i did.
Always eat your 5 portions of fruit and veg everyday.
Try and drink 2 litres of water everyday this is reccommended for everyone.

5. Deep Relaxation

Buy some relaxation CD's and listen to them and try to relax for at least 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening.

6. Aromatherapy

Buy an oil burner and buy some lavender oil and put it on the burner and have it in your room.
Lavender is very calming and can help ease anxiety.

7. Abdominal Breathing

You should practice abdominal breathing at least once or twice aday to teach the body to automatically start breathing normally again as alot of people with anxiety and asthma do not breath properly.

8. Take things Easy.

Do not stress yourself out, dont do anything that is going to make you feel worse avoid all stressful situations and concentrate on trying to make yourself feel better.

9. Enjoy Life

Dont let anxiety keep you indoors all the time and ruin your life carry on doing things you like to do and get out and about you will beat anxiety eventually dont let it keep on beating you.

19-07-05, 00:10
Andrew David

Its great to see you deciding to Go for it in a big way. Guess you've been reading

Here are similar posts that may help you too . This first one is about keeping rational and positive.

The Battle that Rages in my Head (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4149)

Strategies for coping (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2680)

Take care

19-07-05, 11:51
That's all so true Andrew David. Thanks and well done keep up the good work!

Take care,

Love PIP'S X

19-07-05, 18:52
Andrew David

I am pleased to see that you have a plan to help you and I believe that it will in time.

Well done and stick at it.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

22-08-07, 14:56
This is great, useful adivice. Thanks for sharing andrew david, i agree that if you follow these steps you should get better! Good luck : )

22-08-07, 15:36
:) Hi AndrewJDavid :)

What a great post! So glad you're feeling so positive & have been able to share your plan. I always have some sort of vague plan on the go but I feel quite inspired to write it down now!
Good luck with it all,
Take care, CarpeDiem

22-08-07, 15:54
Hi Andrew Glad Your Feelin Better And Your Gonna Feel Better And Better Each Day You Sound Determined Stay Positive And It Will All Come To Ya...wish Ya The Best.......linda X

22-08-07, 18:55
Oh Andrew Im so happy to read this, this is so positive and inspiring and is very similar to my recovery plan as well. Good luck to you and keep us updated with your progress

Good to hear from you again

Luv Darkangel :flowers:

22-08-07, 19:00
Just so you know - this thread is over 2 years old and AJD isn't on the site anymore so won't see your comments.


22-08-07, 20:36
Thanks Nic

I didnt think to look at the date DOH :shrug:

Darkangel x

22-08-07, 20:48
Ha ha! How funny!

Nevermind, I'm sure he's still with us in spirit! Just for future reference - How do you know how old a post is? I can't see a date anywhere?

22-08-07, 21:03
Top left hand corner of every post - above the username.

22-08-07, 21:23
Ah-ha! Gotcha! Thanks Nic!

I wonder how many other extinct users I have been having one-way conversations with ?!?!! :doh:

Ha ha!

22-08-07, 21:44
LOL Carpe - it doesn't matter - I just wanted people to know that he won't reply that was all.