View Full Version : complete failure

17-02-09, 19:44
:weep: our oca doc's surgery moved into a bigger primary care building, so soon will be joined by other surgeries in area and more in the big building
i had appointment today its further away so i had to walk further before i got in i was in tears then when i found my way in and got into reception i just couldn't handle it :blush: :weep:
i don't think i can go through it all again and see my doctor ever agagin i just dont feel comfortable with the building as stupid as it may sound, the reception area will soon be joined by the other surgery so will get fuller, and looks out through a glass window and is 3 floors up which also scares me
i couldn' even speak to the doctor when i got in there
nd since i got home having to walk long way home again, i felt useless and i just don't want to be here anymore, i phoned surgery and asked if i can speak to doc on phone on there next day in which is thurs, i don't know what im going to say but i want these thoughts to go, ive had them in past but this time also ideas on what to do :weep:
i see pshychiatrist on friday at hospital, then on monday i see nurse at the new primary care building again, im absolutely terrified of the place, i know its new for everyone including docs who work there but they arent suffering from severe anxiety problems and so i feel humiliated when i react this way

18-02-09, 17:45
I think it's good you're speaking to the doctor, so you can tell him how you are feeling and why you didn't hang around for the appointment.

I was wondering, are all the surgeries in your local area going into this one location, or are any remaining seperate? if so, you could always look into going to another, smaller, practice maybe.

Hope all goes well with the doctor tomorrow :hugs:

19-02-09, 21:17
thanks i spoke to the doc and it went well :)

20-02-09, 05:51
Glad to hear it went well. Myself, I always think of the worse case scernairos. When you get there and talk to the doctor a huge weight is lifted off your shoulders.

20-02-09, 10:18
Hey lonely. I am just starting up cbt again and am dreading the thought of going to the mental health clinic. So many questions flood my mind, what if someone i know sees me, what would i say etc...
The fact is you have to take these difficult steps in the road to recovery. I too have a long walk to my surgery, which sucks because it gives you even more time to worry about things, more people to avoid. However it is vital you seek help when needed, and talking about your problems is a great start.
Well done for pushing yourself, it may not seem like it but it's a massive step.
Much love, Jay Xx