View Full Version : What will it be today?

17-02-09, 19:55
This morning my friend asked 'How are you doing?' and I answered 'I don't know yet, I still have to decide what cancer I'm having today...'
Don't you just wake up every morning thinking 'what will it be today?'
My symptoms change so much, even during the day.
This morning I had dizziness and headache and I was thinking' mmm, brain tumor', and this afternoon the dizziness was gone but I had pain in my bladder, and now it's my pancreas that hurts.
In the beginning when my anxiety has just started, I had just a few symptoms. Months after months they multiplied.
Whats going on? Actually it kind of make me feel better when I see that it's different symptoms, because I think 'I cannot have illnesses all over my body', it just anxiety.'
:whiplash:I swear, I'm going to get out of this mental prison!

21-02-09, 00:31
Aww pfmelody - you do remind me of me! lol

I really hope things start to improve for you!

25-02-09, 10:49
Hey, feel the same way, I swear I am falling apart.

Hugs xxxx

25-02-09, 11:08
I tend to get symptoms that last 1-2 weeks, otherwise I know how you feel!

25-02-09, 13:24
What a perfect description of ailments that can NEVER be simply explained - :blush: it would be tempting fate to say "i feel well" ( my family would be in a state of shock if they heard me say i felt well!!!! 'cos i don't!!!!):ohmy:
What is annoying is when i feel so awful and then find in my diary that i had this symptom last year and was fine - if i feel this bad how did i forget that i felt this bad before????????
One day i may sort it out:ohmy: :ohmy:
best wishes

25-02-09, 14:58
I'm exactly the same! And on the odd occasion when I do wake up and feel fine I daren't think 'oh I feel fine' just in case there's something else around the corner waiting to bother me. It does my head in. Actually I do my head!!:wacko:

Little Miss Anxious
25-02-09, 15:04
I've had something on my mind for 10 years + which I have am finally dealing with. My husband keeps joking that I will be googling soon to find the next thing to worry me once this is over & done with - I have no dount he is absolutely right :scared15:

Lets just see !! :shrug:

25-02-09, 15:39
That's the way I was when my anxiety started and was at it's worst. I had liver cancer, leukemia, brain tumor, health issues, liver failure, kidney failure, God and heaven forbid what else "I had" since this anxiety began.

God forbid, seriously.